COPYRIGHT © 2018, By Jonathan P. Volkel
The workings of our universe, and of all reality, is governed by the interaction of the four components of existence: TIME, SPACE, MATTER AND ENERGY. These four things are each unique, homogeneous, unified, distinct and complete unto themselves. They cannot be blended into one another or transformed into one another. If it can be said that they are “made of” anything, what each of them is “made of” is completely different in nature than the other three.
This chapter will discuss the true natures of those four components in greater detail and how they work together to form reality. The unified nature of each of them will be examined and the truth of their separate, distinct and unique natures will be unmistakable. However, modern science seems to be completely unaware of the understanding that will be provided herein and does not perceive their true natures at all.
Modern scientific theories have completely destroyed the correct understanding of TIME, SPACE, MATTER and ENERGY. For example, Einstein’s theory created the belief that TIME and SPACE could be merged together into a fifth type of thing which he called “spacetime”. He also believed that ENERGY could be converted into MATTER and that it could also cause TIME and SPACE to come into existence. It is that type of thinking that fueled the creation of things like “The Big Bang Theory”.
Of course, if everything in our universe was brought into being by ENERGY, then our universe would ultimately be made entirely of various manifestations of just that one thing, and not four separate and distinct things. Science’s unwavering belief in the Big Bang Theory demonstrates their commitment to adhering to a severely distorted comprehension of the four components of our universe.
That distorted perception is further evidenced in their additional faulty theories of ENERGY. Science believes that there are four main forces that exist in this universe. They are: The electromagnetic force, the gravitational force, the strong atomic force, and the weak atomic force. Although the purpose of this chapter is not to delve into erroneous theories, the “four forces” will be briefly examined. Hopefully, doing so will aid in understanding that a better explanation is needed than the theories we now have.
The electromagnetic force and the gravitational force both rely upon the existence of “fields” to try and validate them. The Analysis topic “Magnetism Theories” explains the origins of magnetic field theories. Essentially, it is believed that electricity is the source of all magnetism. Magnetism is believed to be a mass-less energy effect which circulates (orbits) in ringed layers around an electrically charged conductor and its effect is referred to as a “magnetic field”. Science theorizes that a magnetic field can then merge with an electric field. The merging transforms the two different types of fields into an entirely new third type of field known as an “electromagnetic field”. This gives the third field the new ability to self-propagate in a straight line through outer space at incredible speed and manifest as waves of “light”.
Gravity is defined by Einstein as being a field which is some sort of a mass-less energy that has no effect upon MATTER. Instead, a gravity field bends the “fabric” of SPACE. It is the bent SPACE which then causes MATTER to change speed and direction.
The concept that a mass-less force has the ability to affect the state of motion of MATTER violates Newton’s laws. The concept of self-propagation also defies Newton’s laws of motion. Likewise, the concept that the intangible void of SPACE has the ability to alter the existing state of motion of MATTER also violates the law.
The Analysis topic “The Energy of Motion” discusses Newton’s three laws of motion in detail. The ultimate conclusion revealed there is that:
An “object” is solely defined as something that has physical mass (MATTER).
An object cannot experience a change in its existing state of motion unless it comes into contact with an external force.
A “force” is a mass in motion.
Forces are ONLY exchanged when two masses come into contact with one another.
This means that the law conclusively proves that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MASS-LESS FORCE! The entire concept of “fields” is completely invalid and violates the basic and fundamental proven laws of science. The attempts to create theoretical explanations for how waves could travel without propagating through a medium required the creation of impossible fantasy concepts such as “fields”. In fact, if one were to research the various fields more extensively and note their varied and wondrous abilities, it becomes apparent that science has essentially accepted that magic is real. Science desperately searches to discover a Unified Field Theory to try and validate all of it. Is it any wonder then, that after over a century of searching, they are still totally unable to explain how it all could work?
As a result of embracing the practice of violating the scientific laws by believing in the existence of “fields”, the first two forces of what science believes are the four main forces of the universe do not even exist at all. They are impossible fantasy concepts. The remaining two forces (the strong and weak atomic forces) are as equally impossible and also do not exist at all.
The strong atomic force and the weak atomic force are both believed to reside and function only within the atom. These forces were not “discovered”. They are theoretical forces invented in an attempt to try and validate the Bohr model of the atom. The strong atomic force was invented as an explanation as to what might hold the nucleus of the atom together. The weak atomic force attempts to explain why radioactive decay happens.
The problem is, the Bohr model of the atom was created by depending heavily upon the belief in mass-less forces. It is these imaginary internal forces which are believed to keep the orbiting electrons from flying off into space and which hold the nucleus together. However, since there is no such thing as a mass-less force, the Bohr model of the atom is completely wrong.
In the late 1800’s, when Michelson and Morley claimed that the results of their experiment proved that the Lumineferous Aether did not exist, scientists believed them. As a result, they had to try and imagine how light waves could travel through outer space without propagating through a medium. This resulted in the creation of an avalanche of unprovable theories such as: Mass-less objects, mass-less forces, alterations in the flow of TIME, the transformation of SPACE into an object composed of some unknowable “fabric”, wormholes, Black Holes, other dimensions and even Quantum Entanglement (to name just a few).
The real problem is, all of those theories violate Newton’s laws of motion, making all of them completely impossible. Even so, science faced a choice. Either reject Newton’s laws or reject Michelson and Morley’s conclusion.
There has NEVER been a situation wherein Newton’s laws have failed (that’s why they are considered to be LAWS). However, it is easy to demonstrate how Michelson and Morley made repeated mistakes causing them to come to the wrong conclusion (see Chapter 3 “The Discovery”). Modern science has attempted to try and keep both Newton’s laws and the Michelson Morley conclusion at the same time. They have failed miserably in following Newton’s laws.
Realization that Michelson and Morley were wrong and that the ether actually does exist totally eliminates all of the theories while simultaneously obeying all of the laws. The presence of the ether allows for the law-abiding mechanical propagation of light waves through outer space. It is also the medium through which the linear motion of gravity propagates. And, it is the external force which applies pressure to the exterior of atoms and holds them together. The ether negates the theoretical electromagnetic and gravitational fields. It negates the imaginary strong and weak atomic forces. The ether reveals the true workings of the Unified Force. As long as science refuses to believe in the existence of the ether, they will NEVER see the Unified Force.
Now the topic will change from that of false theories and beliefs to that of what the universe is really all about. Although discussing and supporting theoretical topics rather than scientifically provable topics is unpleasant, there is no choice but to do so here. This topic will include concepts about TIME and SPACE. As such, the concept of “infinity” must be part of the discussion.
Is it possible for something to actually be infinite? Even if the math and logic lead solely to the conclusion that it is and must be possible, there is simply just no way to prove it. As such, “infinity” is a topic that must remain classified as a theory. Just consider it as forever being a topic for some interesting discussions.
The number “four” seems to be the magic number here. Scientists once thought that the universe was made of the four main elements of earth, water, air and fire. Now they think that energy is made of the four main forces as previously described. In actuality, our reality and universe are indeed composed of just four unique and distinct things. Those four things are; TIME, SPACE, MATTER and ENERGY.
The first two components of our universe, TIME and SPACE share similar characteristics, and so will be discussed together. Although similar, they are not the same. They are unique and discrete from one another. They cannot be blended together and made into a four dimensional thing. If they could, then this would instead say that the universe was made of only three things. In fact, TIME cannot merge with SPACE, MATTER or ENERGY. There is no such thing as “spacetime”, “temporal mass” or “temporal energy”. None of these four components can blend with any of the other three in order to become a new type of thing. Instead, they all work together in harmony to create the reality we live in. In fact, if any of those four components was missing, reality would cease to be.
TIME and SPACE both share three major traits. Even though they share in these characteristics, that does not mean that TIME and SPACE are the same thing or are interchangeable. They are “apples and oranges”. If you add them together, then one apple plus one orange simply equals one apple plus one orange. Although you could find a way to combine them mathematically, to do so you would have to put them into an entirely new category and call them something else. For example, one apple plus one orange equals two pieces of fruit.
Such is not the case with TIME and SPACE. TIME plus SPACE does not equal “spacetime”. Science invented a new state of being and reality in order to make a bad theory appear to be true. Other continuum, dimensions and strings are great topics for science fiction writers and comedy shows, but they have no basis in reality.
The first characteristic that TIME and SPACE share is that of their substance. They are both intangible. They have no substance. There is no way to “capture” them, isolate a piece of them, put them under a microscope and examine them. There is no way to determine what they are “made of”. It might not even be reasonable to say that they possess any type of substance, or that using such a term even applies to them. They seem to be more like concepts rather than things. Without knowledge of what they actually consist of, it is impossible to say what might affect them. In fact, since they seem to be “made of” nothing, then nothing else has an affect on them, nor can they have any effect upon one another.
Once it is understood that the theory of time dilation is false and the bending of space is also false, meaning that TIME and SPACE cannot be altered, we can more easily see the second characteristic that TIME and SPACE share. That is, they are constant. Whatever their composition and nature actually is, it is unchangeable. The flow of TIME is fixed, steady, constant and unwavering. The passage of TIME is simultaneous everywhere. When it is “now” here, it is “now” everywhere at the same time.
Likewise, the dimensions and “consistency” of SPACE are fixed, constant, steady and unwavering. TIME cannot speed up or slow down. It cannot be stopped or caused to cease to exist. Likewise, SPACE cannot be bent, twisted, stretched, shrunk, torn, altered or even caused to cease to exist. Theories that attempt to convince us otherwise are full of holes and just don’t hold up under the known laws of science and basic common sense. If those theories could pass any sort of factual scientific test, then they wouldn’t be called theories any more.
The third characteristic shared by both TIME and SPACE is that of their infinite nature. Both have the trait of being infinite in magnitude. No matter how large a length of time you can imagine, whether imagining back into the past or imagining ahead into the future, you can always add one more moment to that, making TIME larger than you can imagine. The same holds true for SPACE. No matter how far a distance you can imagine travelling in any direction, you can always add one more step to that, making SPACE larger than you can imagine.
Not only are both TIME and SPACE infinitely large, they are also infinitely small as well. No matter how small a segment of time you can conceive of, that segment can always be cut in half. And, that half can also be cut in half, and so on, forever. The same concept holds true of space. As such, there is no discrete segment of time that you could point to and say “This is the smallest possible increment of TIME”. Likewise, there is no tiny piece of space that you could isolate and say “This is the smallest possible piece of SPACE”. Because of this, TIME and SPACE are not composed of little pieces all assembled together to create the greater whole. They are continuous, uniform, homogeneous, infinitely large individual things.
You cannot separate a small portion from them and cause one small “area” within TIME to speed up or slow down. You cannot separate a portion of SPACE and stretch it or contract it or distort it in any way. In order to alter TIME, one would have to alter all of it, everywhere. And, if all time in existence changed at once, then no change at all would be noticed by anything in existence. The same holds true of SPACE. If all space contracted as one, then everything would contract right along with it and nobody would notice the difference. Theories such as “time dilation” and “the gravitational bending of space” try and convince us that TIME and SPACE can be altered in small localized areas. Clearly, those who promote such concepts have no real clear understanding of the uniform, homogeneous and unified nature of TIME and SPACE at all.
In summation, TIME and SPACE are: 1) intangible non-objects, 2) constant and unchangeable, and 3) are both infinite in all aspects of their existence, continuous, homogeneous unique and independent individual things.
The remaining two components of the universe, MATTER and ENERGY, have similar characteristics; just as the characteristics of TIME and SPACE have similarities. However, each of these last two components will be addressed separately. There are a few remarkable revelations about MATTER that need quite a bit of explaining, and it is a topic unto itself. Once the characteristics of all the components are understood, then they can be combined to see our universe for what it really is.
Now we will focus on the third component that makes up existence. That third component is MATTER. At least matter is something that we can put under a microscope and examine. As such, we know a great deal about matter. Well, at least, we think we do. In actuality, we know about as much regarding the nature and composition of MATTER as we do about the composition of TIME and SPACE. What we really do know a lot about is how MATTER behaves when it moves at various speeds and frequencies. What we do not know is what the substance of MATTER actually is.
MATTER also does seem to have the potential of having an infinite nature to it. However, the possibility exists that it might also not be infinite. Is the amount of MATTER that exists in our universe infinite in its quantity? Certainly, an argument can be made that it is. Since SPACE is infinite, then, if MATTER is indeed dispersed throughout all of infinite SPACE, then adding it all up would yield an infinite total. However, just because SPACE is infinite, it does not necessarily mean that MATTER must exist throughout every “corner” of space.
Thus, an argument could also be made that a finite quantity of MATTER exists only in one finite section of SPACE and that the rest of infinite SPACE is empty. Even though it is impossible to imagine a scenario wherein SPACE comes to an end, it is not at all difficult to imagine a scenario where the quantity of MATTER within SPACE is limited. It is not impossible to believe that the very large, yet still finite, system of galaxies that exists in our known universe is the only system that exists. After all, that kind of thinking is already supported and embraced by science, and is taught in schools. The Big Bang Theory acknowledges that our universe is finite because it supposedly originated at a single point from a single source.
Even though the quantity of MATTER in existence could be an infinitely large amount, it doesn’t necessarily have to be. But, does MATTER also have the characteristic of being infinitely small? In one sense, why not? Whatever the smallest piece of matter that you can conceive of may be, it can, theoretically, always be cut in half. And, the cutting in half of the halves could continue forever. Although that is the conclusion reached by logic and reasoning, that it not the actual case when it comes to experimental evidence.
The experimental evidence referred to is the relatively consistent measurement of the speed of light. Once it is understood that the ether exists, and that it is entirely composed of distinct little sub-atomic photons, then it is understood that light is a wave which propagates through it. The speed of that propagation is a function of the energy that moves the wave combined with the mass of the objects that the wave propagates through. Since light attains the fastest speed of anything that we have measured, and light is simply waves that propagate through sub-atomic particles of matter (photons), then the photons must be the smallest distinct quantity of mass that exists in our universe. If photons could break in half, then the same energy that moves the photons would also move the half-photon. Since the mass is halved, the speed would double.
Even if only some of the photons broke into smaller pieces, then we would observe erratic, irregular and intermittent measurements of light’s speed. The consistency of data leads to the deductive conclusion that all photons have the same mass and that they are the smallest distinct piece of matter that exists.
All of this is explained in Chapter 12, “The Smallest Picture”. That chapter also reveals that photons have a liquid nature, and that they merge to create the neutrons, protons and electrons that work together to make an atom. When those three larger components move and spin and orbit as a united system of objects, they create patterns of motion that move as waves through the ether, resulting in all the forms of energy that we know of. Not only that, but their arrangements and ensuing patterns of motion create all the different behaviors of matter that we have named “The Periodic Table of Elements”.
This means that all of MATTER is made of the same thing. There is only one type of MATTER that exists. Whatever it is that a photon is made of, that means that everything is made of that. For example, there is no difference between MATTER in an Oxygen atom and an atom of Iron. The only difference between those two is the amount of MATTER that exists in them and how it is arranged and how it moves. Different quantities of neutrons, protons and electrons move spin and orbit differently than other quantities and arrangements. This affects how they react to incoming waves and the type of waves that they create in the ether. Their motion, quantity of MATTER, and arrangement of MATTER determines their perceived color, density, hardness, reactivity and all the other elemental traits.
This understanding makes it clear that there is no such thing as a “negatively charged” electron or a “positively charged” proton. Electrons and protons are made out of the same thing; photons. Photons do not emit or radiate any sort of energy. There is no such thing as quarks, bosons, mesons, leptons, muons, neutrinos or any of the other fanciful sub-atomic particles that science imagines exists. All of those are just mis-identifications of photons moving at different speeds and with different patterns of motion. The photons are so infinitesimally small that science can’t tell for sure how big (or small) they really are. Scientists misinterpret the differences in the speeds and patterns of their motion as being entirely different substances and types of matter.
Science has deduced that there must be some unifying type of force. This means that they believe that, ultimately, there is only one type of energy in the universe. Because they look at the situation backwards, they think that the four “known” different energies will lead to the discovery of the one ENERGY. Because of a lack of understanding about the true nature of light and gravity, they fail to see the parallel of the “unified” concept that also exists with MATTER.
All the different types of matter that they think exist are actually just one type of MATTER arranged in different quantities and moving at different speeds in different patterns of motion. ENERGY is a unified force and is one and only one unique, distinct and homogeneous thing. TIME is a unique, distinct and homogeneous thing. SPACE is a unique, distinct and homogeneous thing. So too, MATTER is a unique, distinct and homogeneous thing. Just as there is one unified force, so too is there just one unified MATTER.
This is why the universe is made up of just four and only four things. All of these things are unique, uniform and completely separate and different in nature than the others. Like oil and water, they do not mix or blend together. But they do work together to create all the different effects and patterns of motion that we perceive as being different energies and different types of matter. If it can be said that “Life is like a box of chocolates”, then realize that the workings of the universe is like “baking a cake”.
In order to bake a cake, you need four components; #1- a timer, #2- an oven with a baking pan in it, #3- cake batter and #4- heat. The timer is analogous to TIME. The oven is analogous to all of SPACE, and the baking pan is analogous to an isolated portion of SPACE that contains the MATTER. The cake batter is analogous to MATTER. The heat is analogous to ENERGY. The whole system is regulated by the timer. That is, you can’t even open the oven door, put in the cake mix or turn on the heat unless the timer is running.
Each of these components is unique and different than the other components. Each operates independently of the other three and has no effect upon the operation or function of the other three. Changing any of these components has no effect on the substance or function of the other three components. The only thing that will change is the finished product; the cake. The cake is not the heat, or the cake mix, or the baking pan or the timer. The cake is the result of all four working together. If any one of these four components was removed entirely, then there would be no cake. The other three components would exist, but no cake could be formed. Changing the components alters the size, shape, texture, color and flavor of the cake. Depending upon the mixture of those four components, an infinite number of different cakes can be baked. The process and components are simple to understand. The scope of the number of possible outcomes is infinite and virtually unimaginable.
Perhaps it could be said that the universe is like a giant bakery. Science has looked at all the different “cakes” and gotten confused. They seem to think that the differences in the cakes lie within the cakes themselves. They fail to see the correct nature of the components and fail to understand the “baking process”.
Modern science believes that there are several different types of MATTER. According to their “Standard model of elementary particles”, they divide solid MATTER into two categories, quarks and leptons, and each of those categories is composed of six different types of MATTER. They think that, upon smashing any of the atomic components, these different types of MATTER are revealed. And so, they think that somehow all these different types of MATTER are somehow assembled in various quantities and arrangements to create the atomic components. One can only wonder what these twelve different types of MATTER are made of. Why and how are they different from one another? One can also wonder as to how many more different types of MATTER science will “discover” in the future to try and explain the things they do not understand.
Because of their faulty beliefs, they are completely unaware of the unified nature of MATTER. They do not realize that what they think is different types of MATTER is actually just the one unified MATTER moving at various speeds and frequencies by the unified force. And so, it has never occurred to them to consider the concept that a unified single discrete object can behave differently than a composite grouped object.
Our world is a world of atomic motion. That is; many different individual discrete particles of the unified MATTER, all interacting with one another and subjected to many different forces applied from many different directions in rapid succession that cause the world as we know it to exist and behave as it does. When it comes to sub-atomic motion, the interactions are greatly simplified, involving one force and one object at a time. The result is a type of behavior we are not accustomed to seeing and measuring in the large scale macro universe that saturates our awareness.
The explanation of the differences between these two types of motion (grouped vs. individual) will be discussed in greater depth in the Analysis topic “Sub-Atomic Motion”. However, before that topic can be addressed, a closer examination is needed on the topic of “How small can matter get”. This is a very big and important topic. It will lead to a greater understanding of the true nature of MATTER.
Photons are the smallest discrete pieces of MATTER that exist, but perhaps it is better to say that they are the smallest pieces of MATTER that can possibly exist here in our universe. Is it possible that MATTER could exist in a form smaller than a photon? Can a photon be split in half and what would it take to accomplish that?
This train of thought leads to associated thoughts as well. Why do photons join together to form the larger components; electrons, protons and neutrons? Why doesn’t MATTER form into components larger than neutrons or smaller than photons? Just as there is a common, logical and scientifically law abiding reason as to why light waves seemingly have a speed limit, there must also be one to explain why MATTER groups together into just those four sized components.
The answer lies in the same reason as to why light has a limited range of speeds. That is, the available energy in the universe is limited. That energy is manifested in the rate at which the universe spins. Since the universe spins at a relatively steady and finite speed, then the available energy is finite. When that energy is applied to the tiny mass of the photon, the result is them attaining motion that achieves the high speeds of light. And so, the formation of MATTER into those four different sized components occurs because the available energy determines the end result.
The answer is similar to the reason why atoms achieve three different states of being. That is, solid, liquid and gas. Once the energy within atoms increases to a certain point, the atoms no longer transform incoming heat energy into outgoing heat energy. Instead, the increase in incoming heat energy remains trapped within the atom. When enough extra heat energy gets trapped in the atoms, they suddenly change state from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas. Once the change of state is completed, the atoms resume transforming incoming heat energy into outgoing heat energy.
For example, ice will remain at thirty two degrees Fahrenheit and not change temperature even if you keep increasing the heat. Only after enough heat is added will the thirty two degree ice then transform into thirty two degree water. After that, any heat that is added causes the water temperature to correspondingly rise until it reaches the boiling point. Then, the same thing happens again. Added heat no longer causes a temperature change in the water. Only after adding a lot of heat will the two hundred and twelve degree water transform into two hundred and twelve degree steam. After that, adding heat to the steam causes its temperature to correspondingly increase.
Where does that extra energy go in between the changes of state? There is only one explanation. The extra energy must be trapped within the atoms and causes the system of atoms to alter their spinning configuration. The atoms need to execute a change in frequency in order to be able to release the extra heat energy into the ether. They need to transform the extra heat energy into linear motion in order to obtain that new frequency. This means that, prior to the energy increase, they were moving back and forth across the same area at a certain “comfortable” rate. The ether could easily absorb and redirect the increases of heat energy within the atom by the time the atom turned around and came back.
Once the energy within the atoms increases to a certain level because of the increased incoming heat, it becomes too much energy for the ether to carry away and relocate by the time the atom returns. Since the extra heat energy could not be carried away by the ether in time, the heat energy remains trapped within the atom. It then gets transformed by the atom into extra linear speed. This extra speed destabilizes and imbalances the orbital motions within the atom.
Think of it like a race car racing around a circular track. If it increases speed and goes too fast, it will fly off the track. The only way to maintain the heightened speed and not fly off the track is to increase the circumference of the circular track. In other words, make the circular track bigger, thus decreasing the “tightness” of the perpetual turn. By decreasing frequency, the atom increases the circumference of it orbital circle of motion. This allows it to maintain the heightened speed without risk of “flying off the track”. The increased circumference of the orbital path causes the atom to come into contact with more of the ether in the same fixed time. This increase in the surface area of the ether that the atom comes into contact with allows the extra energy to be disbursed over a wider area. Once exposed to more ether, the incoming heat can now be siphoned away from the atom again, allowing incoming heat to be sent away as heat again and not be trapped in the atom and transformed into increased speed.
There is a consequence to this decrease in frequency. When atoms start travelling further in one direction before turning around and going back (increasing orbital circumference), it means that they need more room to move around in. Atoms that once moved, rotated and orbited comfortably at a certain distance from one another suddenly find themselves bumping into their neighbors all too often. And so, they spread out. We can see this happen with the naked eye by watching a solid transform into a liquid, or by watching a liquid change into a gas.
(NOTE: Actually, a change in frequency occurs if you change only the orbital speed or if you change only the orbital radius without changing the orbital speed. If you increase both the orbital speed and proportionately increase the orbital radius at the same time, the frequency will not change. That is, the amount of time needed to make one complete orbit will not change. Instead, the dual change will be detected as an increase in amplitude. This is because the atomic components are moving faster and are colliding with the photons of the ether with greater force. Even so, the changes in the orbital circumference are referred to here as “a change in frequency” so as to clarify that it is referring to a change in the orbital motion as opposed to a change in the rotational motion.)
A similar concept is at work when MATTER forms together to become photons, neutrons, protons and electrons. Once a certain increased energy state of motion is attained, the particles of MATTER must spread out. Given the amount of energy that exists in our universe, apparently any individual discrete mass larger than a neutron is impossible. There is too much speed in existence within our universe to allow concentrations of matter to exist as a single discrete unit of mass any larger than the neutron. Remember that it was said that MATTER has a liquid nature to it. If a neutron receives too much energy, its speed would become so extreme that it flies apart into smaller droplets. It becomes many objects of smaller mass. In fact, it comes apart piece by piece. That is, comes apart one photon at a time. When that happened, the neutron would continue to come apart until it had the size and mass of a proton.
All protons would have equal mass compared to one another and all would be stable and have balanced energy level corresponding to the new speed. If the protons gained too much energy and destabilized, they would fly apart into tinier droplets until they shrunk to the size of electrons. All of the electrons would then be of equal mass as one another and all would be stable at this new energy level. Only by severely increasing the energy within an electron will it then fly apart into the tiniest droplets that exist in our universe. That is, the electron flies apart and becomes innumerable tiny photons.
The energy level needed to maintain photons in that tiniest of droplet sizes is that which also enables them to move at light speeds. Can photons be split into even tinier droplets? Of course they can. That is not the real question here. The real question is; how much extra energy would have to go into a photon in order to destabilize it and cause it to fly apart? It might require that the photons get filled with ten times, a hundred times, or even thousands of times more speed than that which currently occupies them now. Just for visualization purposes, imagine that it would take one hundred times more energy inputted into a photon in order to get its vibrating motion to become imbalanced enough to destabilize it and cause it to fly apart. Imagine that when it flew apart it split into two equally sized smaller droplets. That would mean that they had half the mass and one hundred times more energy. As a result, the average speed of light would become two hundred times faster than it currently is.
The workings of a centrifuge provide a clue as to how this happens. The faster it spins, the tinier the droplets that fly away from the center. This only works with atomic components because the nature of MATTER is that of a liquid. Neutrons, protons and electrons rotate on their axis (spin). Photons do not spin. Linear speed will not disrupt its ability to stay intact. Spinning is what is needed in order to get the MATTER that makes up a photon to come apart into smaller droplets. Since the photons do not spin in this universe, then there is no way for them to fly apart into smaller droplets.
Scientists claim that they have done experiments that have split protons into smaller pieces. It is highly unlikely that they managed to get a proton to fly apart. If one tries to infuse too much energy into an atom, the energy drains away, either into other atoms or into the ether. If an atom can’t do that fast enough, it changes frequency in order to come into contact with more of the ether. If it can’t change frequency fast enough, it explosively releases that energy into the ether (similar to the reason why lightning happens). If, somehow, scientists were able to overload the system, then the first component to be affected would be the neutron. It would fly apart first, becoming smaller protons. At this point, the atom would completely come apart into individual components of protons and electrons. This is because an atom cannot function or hold together without the neutrons.
To say that adding energy caused only the protons to come apart makes no sense. It would be like having a quantity of ice and a quantity of water together. Then, upon adding heat, the water transforms into steam, but the ice is unaffected and remains as ice. Of course, that is not how it actually happens. First the ice transforms into water. Then all the water transforms into steam. Since science claims that only protons broke apart, then it is obvious that something is drastically wrong with their claims, because such a thing is impossible. The neutrons would have to come apart first. One can only conclude that science is yet again misinterpreting the data. What they were actually observing was merely surplus energy being relocated out of the atom and into the photons of the ether. They mistook the highly energized sub-atomic photons for broken pieces of protons and various other multiple types of particles. They made this mistake because, not only are they unaware of what the unified force is, but they don’t even suspect that there is also a unified MATTER.
In summation, the nature of MATTER is; it is completely inert in that it emits no energy, it has a liquid nature, and it accumulates into masses whose size depends upon the available energy at hand. If we could take one of those sub-atomic droplets, get it to stand still, and then examine it, we would probably have no idea at all as to what we were looking at. In other words, just as it is with TIME and SPACE, we have no idea at all as to what MATTER is “made of”, and perhaps never will. The phrase “it emits no energy” is true, but it is intentionally vague and conceals something. You will see what that is and why it was phrased in that way when you read the next concept concerning MATTER.
This next concept regarding MATTER is extremely important. It deals with having the correct understanding of the behavior and motion of a discrete, homogeneous and continuous thing. It is crucial in order to understand sub-atomic motion.
Whenever we envision motion and the behavior patterns that occur when two objects collide, we envision it from our everyday perspective of the matter that we can see around us. That perspective is solely in the context of objects made out of many atoms colliding with one another. After all, that is what our existence essentially is; atoms colliding with other atoms. Those types of collisions result in an effect that is sort of like a multiple car pileup traffic accident. That is, the first car strikes an object and comes to a stop. Moments later, a second car strikes the rear of the first car. The second car stops moving and the first car moves again and strikes the object again, and then stops again. A third car strikes the second car and then stops. The second car moves again and strikes the first car again and stops again. The first car moves again and strikes the object for the third time and stops again. And so on and so on. However, this chain reaction of collisions happens so fast within the atoms, that we are only able to perceive it as one impact and one single type of effect.
This is NOT how it happens with sub-atomic particles. Photons, neutrons, protons and electrons are all made of the same thing. They are all “solid”, homogeneous, continuous collections of the unified MATTER. Although they possess different amounts of that MATTER, they are each still just one unified thing. They are not made of “assembled pieces” of MATTER. The liquid nature of MATTER causes the photon droplets to merge into bigger uniform and continuous droplets that are the electrons, protons and neutrons. The MATTER within these various sized droplets has no spaces or gaps within it. They are not compressible. There is not even the minutest area within them that can be said to be a “void” or “empty”. As such, they behave differently when colliding with one another than when clusters of atoms do.
When one photon collides with another photon, the two objects do not get crushed, flattened or deformed. That effect happens with atomic collisions because of the “pileup” effect. Exactly what happens to photons when they collide will be discussed in the topic of sub-atomic motion. For now, a general explanation will be provided.
At the instantaneous moment that the surfaces of the two photons touch one another, they trade inertia. That is, they trade their motion. Although photons move at finite light speeds, ENERGY moves even faster. It moves instantaneously, because it has no mass. The trading of motion results in instantaneous changes in the direction of motion of MATTER. As a result, collisions of sub-atomic particles do not affect the substance of the MATTER that the particles are made of. Collisions only affect the direction and rate of motion of the MATTER. As such, the MATTER behaves as if it were indestructible.
Newton’s first law tells us that an object will continue in its velocity and direction unless acted upon by an external force. What that really means is that ENERGY will keep moving in its velocity and direction. Ultimately, when taken to its extreme and barring any external forces, it means that energy that is headed outward away from our universe will continue that way forever, no matter how many collisions it experiences on its journey. It occupies matter and simply changes “hosts” when it comes into contact with a new piece of matter that is blocking its path.
When carried to its extreme implication, this ultimately results in energy leaving the known universe. This is essentially the concept of “entropy”. If the photons that make up our universe are finite in quantity, they would eventually leave our universe and enter empty space. The process would continue until all of the photons were equally distributed throughout all of space. However, if our universe were billions of light years in size, then it would take a very long time before anyone could notice that it was happening. The only way to slow down or even stop entropy from happening would be to find a way to get ENERGY to change direction.
When two photons collide, at the instantaneous moment that their outer surfaces come into contact with one another, they swap motion. If one of those photons was initially stationary, then the moving photon instantaneously stops, and the stationary photon instantaneously moves with the speed and direction of the first photon. There is no acceleration or deceleration. This exchange happens so fast that, to the naked eye, it would appear as if the moving photon passed right through the stationary photon, and it would also appear that the stationary photon shifted one diameter over towards the moving photon. It creates the illusion that photons have no solid physical substance. That is what happens as the result of a head on collision. If the collision happens at an angle, then the moving photon stops and the stationary one moves away in the same direction that the first was moving towards.
Given what was said about the motion of discrete, uniform objects, it seems to contradict observations that angled collisions do actually result in angled reactions. However, inertia moves in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. An object that is standing still should be considered as standing still because it has no energy. Therefore, it has no force. This means that it possesses nothing to cause inertia to change direction. Thus, the transfer of inertia from a moving object into a completely stationary object should result in the receiving object moving in the exact same direction as the original moving object. Why then have we always observed a direction change with angled collisions?
The above situation is exactly correct. The problem is that there is nothing within our universe that is actually “standing still”. Without the application of an external force to explain a change in direction of the moving objects inertia, the laws of motion would be violated. Likewise, without the application of an external force existing, then, according to the law, no change of direction should be expected. The above condition of “standing still” is purely theoretical and is something none of us has ever seen in action.
The result of two photons colliding is completely different than when any two atomic objects collide. This is because a photon is the smallest distinct particle that exists in our universe. As such, at any given moment, it possesses only one type of inertia that indicates only one speed in only one direction. No photon is ever sitting still. No two colliding photons possess the same speed and same direction of motion. If they did, then they wouldn’t be able to collide.
A single photon collides with only one other object at a time. No matter how fast it may be going, or how many collisions it has per second, those collisions happen one at a time. As such, at any given moment, it possesses inertia pointing in only one direction. A larger object, such as a neutron, can be struck by countless millions of different photons coming at it from all different directions all at once. These impacts result in inertia existing within the neutron that is pointing in all different directions and various speeds at the same time. As a result, the MATTER that makes up the substance of that neutron is moving in all different directions within that neutron all at once. This is possible because of the liquid nature of MATTER. This causes the neutrons (and protons and electrons) to have vibration which passes entirely through its substance. This creates many amazing effects that will be explained in the topic of sub-atomic motion.
This understanding reveals the unusual motion that results from the collision of two photons. At any given moment, each individual photon possesses inertia pointing in only one direction. When two photons collide, they trade inertia. There are no ricochets or changes in direction of that inertia. Imagine two photons headed towards one another, but one is slightly above the other. When they come into contact, the top edge of the lower photon and the bottom edge of the upper photon just barely touch.
At the instantaneous moment of contact, they trade inertia. The upper photon instantly travels with the direction and speed that the lower photon had. The lower photon instantly travels with the direction and speed that the upper photon had. Since the photons are identical and the swap of inertia happens so fast, to the naked eye it would seem as if the upper photon shifted its path of travel down by one diameter and the lower photon shifted its path of travel up by one diameter. The following diagram will illustrate this.
In the upper image, the two misaligned photons are headed on a collision course. In the center image, the photons make edge-to-edge contact and swap motion. In the lower image, the two photons move with their new speed and direction. The original direction of motion of photon #1 (the dotted blue pathway) has shifted upward by one diameter, and the original direction of motion of photon #2 (the dotted red pathway) has shifted downward by one diameter.
This is a very strange phenomenon for several reasons. Ultimately, this all results in no change in the direction of motion and no change of speed. MATTER doesn’t even change position during the energy trade. As a result, this means that no force was exerted to do this. Even so, the pathway that the energy is traveling in has deviated a tiny bit. It has shifted over by the amount of one photon's diameter. Isn’t that the same as a change in direction? Could it just be dismissed as a phenomenon called “space-shifting” which allows energy which is moving in a straight line to simply “move over” a little bit?
The shifting over of energy in this fashion must equate to a change in direction. In order for it to just be a shifting in space without any sort of energy cost is the equivalent of some sort of new phenomenon. It would be a type of magical “teleportation”, and that is a ridiculous idea. There has to be another explanation.
If it is indeed the equivalent of a change in direction, then that in turn must mean that this action would need to have a reciprocal reaction. That reaction would be an expenditure of energy. Ultimately, it means that the resultant speed of a photon that changed direction would have to be reduced. However, since both photons change direction, then both would lose speed. If both lose speed, then this would equate to a reduction in the total energy within the universe. This violates the law of conservation of energy. Obviously, there must be another explanation.
Whenever an object loses speed, the lost speed doesn’t just vanish. It is transferred into something else. When one object loses speed, another object must gain speed. That is what is happening here. When the energy within photon #1 changes direction in order to shift over in space and trade places with the energy within photon #2, it gives energy to photon #2. At the exact same time, photon #2 is giving the exact same amount of energy to photon #1 as its part of the trade. The expenditure of energy to the other photon and simultaneous receipt of energy from the other photon cancels out. When the giving and receiving of energy is added together, the end result is no change in speed. Note that MATTER did not shift over. Just the ENERGY shifted over. This is why no loss of speed occurred. This is the only explanation that obeys the laws of motion and conservation of energy. This phenomenon of “shifting over” explains why the dispersion of light occurs in outer space.
Dispersion of light is, in its simplest terms, the spreading out of light. This usually happens when light passes through an object, such as a prism. This is a scientific and experimental fact. However, science is fully aware that light travelling through space also spreads out. Isn’t it the obvious and only logical conclusion that space is filled with tiny objects that cause the dispersion? Since science believes that outer space is totally empty, then they have no explanation as to why light would spread out in the vacuum of space. All sorts of theoretical explanations were developed to explain this, including ideas that gravity is the cause for this.
Outer space is not empty. Light waves only move because they propagate through something. The photons in outer space can shift their positions as was described. As a result, a wave that travels through photons will spread out as it goes along. The dispersion rate of light travelling through space has been calculated. This could provide a clue as to the ratio between the diameter of a photon and the spacing between photons. Dispersion of light is yet another proof that outer space must contain some sort of medium composed of matter.
Now advance the concept of photon motion to the next step. Imagine a photon colliding with a much larger neutron. Both are made of the same thing. Both are completely “solid”, non-compressible liquids. That is, their substance is uniform and continuous. Each is a single and complete discrete object. At the moment that the photon’s outer surface comes into contact with the neutron’s outer surface, the photon stops. It transfers all of its energy of motion into the neutron. For the briefest of moments, the striking photon looks like a “pimple” on the surface of the neutron. Because of the high speed of that motion, an identical quantity of liquid matter emerges out of the opposite side of the neutron and continues moving with the same speed and direction originally possessed by the colliding photon (assuming it was a head on collision). Due to the liquid nature of the photons, the incoming photon will merge its mass and blend with the mass of the neutron, “melting” right into it. This is partly because the incoming “droplet” traded its inertia with the outgoing “droplet”. It attains the speed and direction of motion that the neutron possessed at the point of contact.
As a result, the neutron gains mass on the side that was struck, and loses mass on the side that the energy departed from. It shifts its position in space one photon’s width towards the direction that the incoming photon came from. To the naked eye, it appears as if the incoming photon passed right through the neutron like some sort of phantom, while simultaneously causing the neutron to move towards the incoming motion. All of this is illustrated in a less detailed and more generic way in Chapter 12 “The Smallest Picture”.
If one attempts to perform an analysis on sub-atomic behavior, one must first clear one’s mind and separate one’s thinking from the accustomed perceptions of observing large collections of matter moving in unison as a group (atoms), to a perception of individual unique and solitary objects in motion (photons, neutrons, protons and electrons). Modern scientists are completely unaware of the fact that this need even exists. Because of their ensuing inability to see things from the correct perspective, they misinterpret the data and imagine completely new and different types of matter and mass-less particles as being the cause for the unusual observed experimental results.
There is one final topic about the basic inherent nature of MATTER that needs to be addressed. Up until this point, it had been repeatedly stated that MATTER was completely inert and that it emits no energy. What that actually means is that, in and of itself it possesses no ENERGY. It emits no energy, force or “field” of any kind nor does it possess anything like that within itself. However, that does not mean that MATTER has no properties other than being a tangible “touchable” thing. It would seem that its liquid nature behaves as if it does indeed contain some sort of force unto itself.
The differences between photons, electrons, protons and neutrons are more than just the quantity of MATTER that each component possesses. Another difference is that photons do not spin. Neither do they orbit around anything. At any instantaneous snapshot of time, the entirety of their substance possesses inertia that points in only one direction. This indicates that photons do not even vibrate. Vibration is multiple directions of travel occurring within a single object at the same time. Instead, photons are the source of vibration within other larger objects.
The other three sub-atomic components not only vibrate, but they also spin. Given the first law of motion, a spinning mass of liquid such as this should not be possible. Each and every part of that mass should continue its travel in a straight line. This means that all spinning liquids should just fly apart. MATTER should just exist as an infinitely fine mist throughout all of existence. This behavior is considered to be a “center fleeing” effect. In order to give this effect a name, it was called “centrifugal force”. In actuality, centrifugal force is not a force at all. Science defines it as a “fictional force”, because it is really just the absence of a “center seeking” centripetal force. In order for a spinning object to continue spinning without flying apart, scientific law tells us that there MUST be some sort of force acting upon the matter to counter the center fleeing effect, and that force must be a center seeking force.
Clearly there is some sort of energy level threshold at work which causes MATTER to undergo a change of state. The change of state referred to is not that of changing from solid to liquid to gas. The change of state is that of changing concentrations of MATTER into smaller and smaller stable droplets of MATTER. The higher the energy levels within a concentration of MATTER, the greater the ability to break the threshold, fly apart, and form into smaller equally sized droplets. Apparently the liquid nature of MATTER contains something that causes it to have the characteristic of a cohesive nature to it. That is, it wants to “stick to”, or bond with, itself. Cohesiveness is why liquids form into droplets rather than just existing as a widely dispersed mist.
ENERGY is the force of inertia in motion. It only causes motion in a straight line. It is the embodiment of the first part of Newton’s first law of motion. “An object will continue in its velocity and direction.” That is the nature, action and effect of ENERGY. It can do nothing else but move, and move in a straight line. But the first law of motion also says; “…unless acted upon by an external force”. We know that this means physical contact with another object. This means that when ENERGY moves through MATTER, something about the nature of MATTER behaves as a force that can affect the direction of ENERGY.
This is the final thing that both MATTER and ENERGY have in common, while simultaneously being the very thing that is different between them. This is the missing key to the puzzle as to what links the four components of the universe together. ENERGY only affects the speed of MATTER in one direction. MATTER is able to affect the direction of ENERGY and also limits its speed. Speed is a function of the passage of TIME that goes by during motion. Direction is a function of an objects ability to move in three dimensions though SPACE. The function of each individual component works with and is linked to all the other components through one another in order to create existence as we know it.
Gravity is a “center seeking” force. Whenever calculating gravitational effects, it is always measured from the exact center of an object. What is it about the nature of MATTER that causes this phenomenon? Why does energy always come from the center of an object? If energy struck the edge of an object, shouldn’t the first law of motion require the energy to pass straight through and out the opposite edge? In order to obey the law, some sort of force must come into play in order to get that energy to change direction and head towards, and then radiate from the center of an object.
In the next Analysis topic, SUB-ATOMIC MOTION will be discussed. The nature of MATTER which causes the center seeking effect that changes the direction of travel of energy will be revealed there. It will explain why energy travels to the center of objects. It will also explain why MATTER forms into various sized spinning objects without flying apart into a mist. It will answer the questions about gravity that have, until now, totally confused scientists.
Ultimately, although the explanations proposed do fit the data, they cannot be proven. Just as it cannot be proven what TIME, SPACE or ENERGY are “made of”, one cannot definitively say what the substance of MATTER is made of or why it is always liquid. Even though it can be explained why its liquid nature causes the center seeking effect to exist, it cannot be proven. All that is certain is that these things do exist and must exist. That is because our universe exists and the laws that govern it must be obeyed.
There absolutely MUST be some sort of center seeking effect in operation within our universe in order for it to function as it does. It is the center seeking effect that keeps everything that is in motion from just flying apart and heading away from everything else that is in motion. Neither TIME, nor SPACE nor ENERGY has any sort of characteristic that can cause this. None of them possesses this type of nature. In fact, their natures prevent such an effect from even being any part of their makeup at all. By process of elimination, the center seeking effect must somehow exist within and be a part of the very nature that causes MATTER to be MATTER. And so, only MATTER has the ability to alter the direction of ENERGY.
Is this “center seeking” effect which is a part of the nature of MATTER just a type of “pixie dust”? Is it just as unprovable and invalid as the strong atomic force? No, there is a big difference here. The imaginary "strong atomic force" attempts to provide an explanation as to why “positively charged” protons do not fly apart from one another. It is because of experimental observations that we believe that “identical charges” repel one another. We do not have observable experimental evidence of a force that can cancel or ignore that. Yet, that imaginary force is claimed to possess that ability and it works invisibly only in the nucleus of an atom. Such a nature defying ability is not evidenced by anything around us and cannot be proven or demonstrated as functioning in any sort of visible and tangible way.
A center seeking effect is evidenced by everything all around us. Newton wrote the law about it and the formula that governs it. It is a fact that was discovered long ago. The explanation that is provided in the SUB-ATOMIC MOTION topic is not the creation of a new force of nature. Instead, it is the explanation of the origin and workings of a well-known and documented law of nature that has already been proven to be true.
The fourth and final component that makes up the existence of our universe is ENERGY. As stated previously, MATTER and ENERGY share some of the same characteristic traits. Just as TIME and SPACE share certain traits, they are nevertheless also separate, unique and distinct from one another. So too is it with MATTER and ENERGY. They are separate, unique and distinct things and cannot combine with one another in order to create a new type of thing. Just as TIME and SPACE cannot combine to become “spacetime”, MATTER and ENERGY cannot combine to become a new and different state of existence.
Einstein’s theory proposes that ENERGY can somehow coalesce and transform into MATTER. Likewise, MATTER can be blown apart and completely transform into mass-less ENERGY. This type of thinking led to the creation of the Big Bang Theory. That theory is absurd and demonstrates a total lack of understanding of what MATTER and ENERGY actually are. In order for such a transformation to happen, it would require that MATTER and ENERGY would essentially have to be the same thing. Perhaps this type of thinking has its roots in a mentality that believes that, just because water can transform from a gas into a solid, then so too can ENERGY transform from whatever it is made out of into solid MATTER.
If ENERGY could become MATTER, and vice a versa, then that would mean that these two states of being were just different manifestations of some third other thing. Just as ice and steam are two different states of water, then MATTER and ENERGY would have to be two different states of some unknown third thing. To think that ENERGY and MATTER could transform their completely different natures back and forth into one another is actually the equivalent of thinking that either of them could also transform into extra empty SPACE, or extra TIME. No component can transform into one of the other components by any process whatsoever. They are not “made of” anything that is even remotely similar to what the others are “made of”. Just because they may have common traits, it does not mean that they have anything in common about their basic nature or existence.
Consider how scientifically law breaking the concept of the transformation of ENERGY into MATTER actually is. The law of conservation of energy tells us that ENERGY is neither created nor destroyed. Whatever the total ENERGY of the universe is, it remains constant. The current theories believe that a particle of ENERGY is a particle that has no mass at all. Then, eventually, somehow, by whatever process, that mass-less particle of ENERGY transforms into MATTER.
Wouldn’t that have to mean that it then became a particle that has mass, but no energy? Otherwise, how could ENERGY transform into MATTER, and yet still remain intact as ENERGY within that MATTER at the same time? Obviously it couldn’t. You can’t have it both ways at the same time. If ENERGY is equivalent to MATTER, and ENERGY somehow changes into MATTER and yet also simultaneously exists as ENERGY within that MATTER, then the total equivalent energy of the universe has increased. On the other hand, if ENERGY changed into MATTER, and the ENERGY was gone and only the MATTER remained, then the total energy of the universe has just decreased. No matter how you try and look at it, the law of conservation of energy is being violated.
The Big Bang Theory tells us that there is a great deal of ENERGY stored within the sub-atomic makeup of MATTER. If that MATTER explodes or is split, then that tremendous amount of stored ENERGY is released. So much ENERGY is released, that it is enough to eventually coalesce and become all the MATTER and ENERGY within the known universe.
Doesn’t anyone notice that the entire concept of smaller and smaller particles creating bigger and bigger explosions is a bit… nonsensical? If that concept were true, then it means that if one desired to create an explosion, but realized that the quantity of explosive he possessed would only be half as strong as he would need, the solution would be to cut that quantity of explosive in half, thereby doubling the force of the explosion. In fact, if one kept cutting it in half repeatedly, then eventually, when the explosive was reduced down to the size of a sub-atomic particle, there would be enough explosive to blow up the entire universe. Einstein’s theory requires that the universe operates in exactly the opposite way that it really does. Even so, science embraces this belief and marches confidently on.
The current theories that try to explain what ENERGY is leads to the belief in the conversion of ENERGY -into- MATTER-into- ENERGY. That concept leads inevitably to the creation of a theory like the Big Bang Theory. That theory should lead everyone to the obvious conclusion that the whole thing is an impossible fairy tale. In other words, if the Theory of Relativity inevitably leads to something like the Big Bang Theory, then obviously the Theory of Relativity is wrong.
As had previously been stated, ENERGY does share some characteristic traits with MATTER. The first shared characteristic is its capacity to be infinite. Is there an infinite amount of ENERGY in the universe? Since SPACE is infinite, then, if ENERGY exists throughout all of SPACE, then its quantity would also have to be infinite. However, just as with MATTER, even though ENERGY could be infinite in quantity, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be. It is not at all inconceivable that ENERGY exists only within a finite area of SPACE. In fact, ENERGY cannot exist in SPACE all by itself. It must occupy MATTER. The MATTER must exist first, then ENERGY can “take up residence” within it causing the MATTER to move through SPACE.
The relationship between the quantity of MATTER in existence and the quantity of ENERGY in existence is linked together. If the quantity of MATTER in the universe is infinite, and the quantity of ENERGY is not, then that ENERGY would eventually cause MATTER to disperse evenly throughout the universe. ENERGY would be “spread so thin”, that it would result in almost no ENERGY existing in any given finite area. On the other hand, if the quantity of MATTER was finite and the quantity of ENERGY was infinite; all MATTER would eventually be filled with an almost infinite amount of ENERGY. As can be seen in the previous analysis of MATTER, our universe possesses just the right amount of ENERGY. If this universe actually had more ENERGY than it presently does, then the speed of light would be faster than it is and perhaps photons would be even smaller than they currently are. If this universe had less ENERGY than it presently does, then particles larger than neutrons would exist all around us.
And so, the state of existence in the universe we are in indicates that the ratio of MATTER to ENERGY is equivalent. Thus, if the quantity of MATTER that exists in our universe is infinite, then so too must be the quantity of ENERGY that exists. If the quantity of MATTER that exists in the universe is finite, then so too must the quantity of ENERGY that exists also be finite. Which is the correct choice; both are infinite, or both are finite? There may not be a scientific way to determine that.
Just as MATTER has the potential to be infinitely small, ENERGY also has that same potential. No matter how small a quantity of ENERGY one can imagine that quantity can always be cut in half. This suggests that both MATTER and ENERGY are uniform and continuous things. However, unlike TIME and SPACE which cannot be divided into little separate pieces, both MATTER and ENERGY share a second characteristic of being able to be separated into discrete individual amounts separated from itself by SPACE. This shared characteristic is reminiscent of the behavior of a liquid. It was already shown that MATTER indeed behaves like a liquid. Somehow, so does ENERGY. It can split, divide and then rejoin again back into a larger whole thing. Each “piece” is whole and complete all by itself, and functions exactly the same as if it were all gathered together in just one place.
The only difference that results from dividing ENERGY is the magnitude of the behavior; dividing ENERGY into smaller and smaller “pieces” yields slower speeds. A single fixed quantity of mass can travel at any speed. This suggests that ENERGY is divisible into different amounts because ENERGY only exists by occupying MATTER. It is attached to the MATTER and when ENERGY moves, MATTER then “goes along for the ride.” If greater quantities of ENERGY exist within a fixed amount of MATTER, the result is faster speed.
The discussion about the behavior and composition of ENERGY was already covered in the first Analysis topic “The Energy of Motion”. There are two main characteristics of ENERGY that were discussed there that will again be mentioned here.
The first important characteristic of ENERGY is that it cannot exist on its own as some sort of massless particle or wave in space. It can only exist by occupying MATTER. The second important characteristic is that it seems to have no substance. Just like TIME and SPACE, it appears to be intangible. We cannot capture it, put it under a microscope and examine it. It somehow seems to be more like a concept rather than a tangible thing. Any quantity of ENERGY could exist within a particle of MATTER. One single “drop” of ENERGY takes up as much space as an infinite amount of ENERGY. It might not even be reasonable to think about it in a context wherein ENERGY takes up any space at all. MATTER occupies space. ENERGY is not the same as MATTER, and so the concept of “taking up space” might not even apply to its nature. And so, ENERGY does not occupy SPACE. It occupies MATTER, which in turn occupies SPACE.
To ask “How much SPACE does ENERGY occupy?” is equivalent to asking “How many seconds equals one mile?” or “How many miles equals one pound?” The two terms and natures do not convert into one another. Their “units” are incompatible. The nature of ENERGY is entirely different from the nature of the other three components. We cannot apply the attributes and characteristics of one to any of the others. We cannot apply concepts like duration, physical dimensions or mass to the nature of ENERGY. It is its own unique thing. We can very accurately measure how ENERGY causes MATTER to behave when it occupies it, and we can define the laws that govern that behavior. However, in the end, just as with TIME, SPACE and MATTER, we may never know what ENERGY actually is or what it is “made of”.
If you are still uncertain as to what ENERGY actually is, then consider this. Think about the different units of measurement for each of the four components that make up our reality. TIME has its own units of measurement, such as seconds, minutes and hours. SPACE has its own units of measurement, such as feet, miles, meters and kilometers. MATTER has its own units of measurement, such as ounces, pounds, grams and kilograms. However, ENERGY does not ever have its own unique unit of measurement. It is always defined in terms of the other three components. The following list will enable you to see this for yourself.
Force Newton = N kg x m/ s x s
Pressure Pascal = Pa kg/ m x s x s
Work Joule = J kg x m x m/ s x s
Power Watt = W kg x m x m/s x s x s
Current Ampere = A N/m = (kg x m/s x s)/m
Electrical charge Coulomb = C A/s = [(kg x m/s x s)/m] /s
Electrical potential Volt = V kg x m x m/ A x s x s x s
Radiation rad J = kg x m x m/s x s x s
The above list shows just some of the energy types that we measure and how we measure them. It is apparent that we have no idea as to what exactly ENERGY is, in and of itself, to the extent that we have not even been able to give it its own identity and units of measurement. The best that we can do is acknowledge that, in the end, all ENERGY types can be expressed and defined in terms of “how much mass moves over what amount of distance in what duration of time”. In other words, all energies are defined as descriptions of objects in motion. And that is what “ENERGY” is. It is the one unified force: THE ENERGY OF MOTION. It causes objects made out of MATTER (kg) to move through SPACE (m) in a certain amount of TIME (s).
In and of itself, ENERGY has no mass. And yet, nowhere and in no way has science ever been able to see it, measure it or describe it without including the concept of mass in its measurement and description. That is because ENERGY never exists outside of MATTER all by itself. Such a thing is impossible. The methods of measuring ENERGY should, by itself, be proof enough that there is no such thing as a mass-less particle of ENERGY. ENERGY only exists within MATTER and it is what causes MATTER to have motion.
It seems that all of the four components of the universe function like “nesting dolls”. ENERGY only exists and functions if it resides within and occupies MATTER. MATTER only exists and functions if it resides within and occupies SPACE. And SPACE only exists and functions if it resides within and occupies TIME. Thus, TIME is the master and controlling factor of all existence. Without TIME being in operation first, nothing could happen.
The Big Bang theory proposes that the arrival into this dimension of an exploding sub-atomic particle caused an expansion of ENERGY that created TIME and SPACE along with it as it expanded. This belief requires that one also believes that ENERGY is the source of all existence. ENERGY becomes the creator of TIME, SPACE and MATTER. ENERGY becomes the master of all the other components of the universe. In order for ENERGY to create TIME, SPACE and MATTER, the natures of all three of those would somehow have to be contained within ENERGY in the first place. ENERGY would have to be not only a unified force, but it would also have to be the unifying source of all existence. As is typical of all of the conclusions achieved via Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, they’ve gotten the hierarchy completely backwards. If science had a correct understanding of the nature of those four universal components, they never would have accepted Einstein’s theory in the first place. They would never accept the merging of these four different components of reality into just one component.
There is another topic to discuss that deals with the resultant speed achieved by combining MATTER with ENERGY which will answer the question; “Is the speed of light constant?” The answer to that is a bit complex. That’s because the answer is “Yes it is, and no it isn’t”. Throughout these topics, the speed of light was referred to as being “The average speed of light”. It was said that it “seems to be” constant and that light actually has different speeds. Those kinds of phrases were previously used in order to try and slowly erode the present mindset that the speed of light is some sort of fixed and unchangeable constant of reality that cannot be exceeded under any conditions. This topic will clarify exactly what that sort of talk really means.
The rate at which our universe spins is an indicator of the amount of energy that it possesses. However, that spinning speed is an average speed. Things can go faster or slower than the average. In order for anything to go faster or slower, the quantity of energy within an object must change. Motion in this universe isn’t really a question of “how fast” something is moving. The real issue is “how much energy” an object possesses. One fixed quantity of energy will cause motion at different speeds depending on the quantity of mass that it occupies.
Given a fixed quantity of energy, the smaller the mass that it occupies, the faster it goes. Since photons possess the smallest distinct concentration of mass, then they have the fastest speeds. Photons trade their energy back and forth with atomic components. Since those components continuously increase and decrease their speeds, then when they trade their energy with photons, the photons speed correspondingly changes. Since the mass of photons is so much less than the mass of atomic components, photons respond to transferal of this same amount of energy by moving much faster. Clearly, the speed of photons is variable. Since they are the medium through which light propagates, then the speed of light must also be variable.
This whole concept of “the speed of light” opens a major scientific can of worms. To scientists, the term “speed of light” actually means “the speed of light in a vacuum”. In other words, the speed of light only seems to be constant in outer space. It has been proven that it slows down when passing through matter, such as water or glass. So, it is universally accepted that the speed of light is not actually constant. Despite that, science has determined an exact constant measurement for its speed. How?
Over the years, many scientists tried various ways of measuring its speed, and got various results, and all of those results were within the ballpark of one another. The most precise measurement was attained using lasers. Of course, this requires an assumption that neither the wavelength nor the environment has any effect on the speed. Science finally decided to just pick a number and declare that amount to be the “speed of light”. How could doing so be a rational decision?
Well, technically, it is impossible to measure the speed of light accurately. In fact, it is impossible to measure the speed of anything accurately. In order to do so, one would have to express the results in terms of distance versus time, such as kilometers per second. The big problem is; precisely how big is one meter? How does one define that distance? What can you compare it to in order to establish that it is an unchanging constant? Space is intangible and there is no way to separate a piece of it and declare that piece to be “one meter” long.
The same sort of problem exists with timekeeping. Precisely what duration is “one second”? There is no way to capture a “piece” of time and keep it as a standard to measure against. All methods of determining the passage of time are inconsistent and subject to fluctuations in their operation. Without any precise definition of “one meter” or “one second”, speed cannot be accurately determined, because the result is expressed in terms of “kilometers per second”.
Science decided that it would just declare that the speed of light in a vacuum was constant. They chose a value that seemed appropriate and decided “This is the speed of light”. Once that was established, it could then be used as the “measuring stick” to determine precisely how long a meter actually is. Then, using those two definitions, the precise duration of “one second” can be established.
The big problem with this is that it absolutely depends on Einstein’s claim that photons have no mass. If photons did have mass, then the speed of photons would absolutely have to vary. This means that the speed of light would also vary and the present definitions of one meter and one second would become invalid. Science knows this. If photons do have mass, then physics has to return right back to square one. It would have to uproot its foundations and figure out some other way to determine how to consistently and reliably determine the length of one meter, and how to consistently and reliably determine the duration of one second. Without those precise definitions, it is impossible to accurately measure things.
The real irony here is that evidence keeps pointing to the fact that photons do indeed have some infinitesimally small amount of mass. Science ignores this and pretends that they have no mass. Otherwise, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity would collapse and the present foundations of physics that were built upon that theory would unravel. Someday, this is going to come back and haunt them. They proceed forward boldly, thinking they know exactly what “one meter” and “one second” are and basing all of their calculations on that belief.
Although the error might be too small to make a difference in most everyday measurements, perhaps a time will come when it will make a big difference. They don’t realize that the foundations already are unraveled. Closing their eyes and pretending it isn’t so only delays the inevitable. Hopefully they will open their eyes, roll up their sleeves, and get to work fixing the problem before disaster strikes. When they do, people will finally see the truth and will stop saying things like “What Einstein did FOR science”. Instead they will grasp the full impact of the situation and say: “What Einstein did TO science”.
Consider the speed of a photon and thus the speed of light in outer space. Where did that light originate from? It all comes from other stars. Stars are extremely hot and highly energized. The atoms that exist within those stars orbit at very fast speeds. Those increased atomic speeds are transferred into the photons that pass through them. The low mass of the photons causes them to respond to these high speeds with much greater “speed of light” speeds. The resultant speeds of the photons are directly linked to the speeds of the atoms.
There’s not much other activity going on in interstellar space, and so almost all of the photons that reside there possess this degree of energy. However, water exists as a liquid because its temperature is somewhere between 32 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Photons sent on their journey from water molecules have much less energy than those that came out of stars. Of course light will move slower through water! Photons could potentially move even faster than they do when emerging out of stars. The question is; how does one input more energy into a photon than an entire star can?
The speed of light is indeed variable. The term “speed of light” is a conditional term. It depends upon what the conditions were which caused the photon to move. It also depends upon the conditions that exist in the environment which surrounds those moving photons. If those conditions are relatively constant and unchanging, then the speed of light in that environment is relatively constant and unchanging. “The speed of light in the vacuum of space” actually means “The average speed at which a photon travels in outer space when emerging from the atoms in the average star.”
The existence of the four components that make up our universe has already been documented and written down into scientific laws which are universally accepted facts. Those laws were written by Isaac Newton. One law in particular makes the previous observations about TIME, SPACE, MATTER and ENERGY abundantly clear and confirms what was said about their relationship to one another. Somehow, even though it has already been written as a simple formula, modern science doesn’t see the truth of what that law is really telling us.
The law being referred to is Newton’s second law of motion. The expression of that law as a mathematical formula is:
F = ma
That single formula shows all four of the components that make up the universe and how they relate to and work with one another to create the reality that we live in. You may wonder how that formula is showing us four different things when there are only three variables in that formula.
The variable “a” is for “acceleration”. Acceleration is a speed that is continuously changing. Whether a speed is continuously changing or is a non-changing constant velocity, we define it by comparing two characteristics. That is; distance traveled in a given amount of time (for examples; miles per hour or feet per second). In other words, it is an expression of distance traveled through SPACE in a certain amount of TIME. And so, if Newton’s second law of motion was rephrased in terms of the four components of the universe, it would be as follows:
The problem with the above formula is that by placing ENERGY on one side of the equal sign and the other three components on the other side, it implies that the other three components are made of ENERGY. They are not. In Chapter 7 “The Ether: A Closer Look”, a corrected version of the above formula is analyzed. The resultant formula is:
Of course, the above expression won’t work until a unique unit of measurement is defined for ENERGY. Such a definition for ENERGY is absolutely essential, because the above formula describes EVERYTHING in our universe. That is; various quantities of MATTER, filled with various amounts of ENERGY, moving through various distances of SPACE for a various duration of TIME.
Newton misidentified energy because he was following the accepted ideas regarding inertia. That is, the reason that an object in motion tends to stay in motion is because it is the nature of MATTER to do so. However, it is actually the nature of MATTER to be completely inert and immobile. It is the infusion of ENERGY into MATTER that causes it to attain motion, and it is because the ENERGY within the MATTER has not changed which causes the motion of the MATTER to stay in motion. That ENERGY, and therefore the motion of that MATTER, will only change when it comes into physical contact with another piece of MATTER (defined by the third law of motion).
That’s essentially how our universe functions. Newton’s laws show us the four components of existence in a simple and elegant way. Nowhere in the laws is there room for other dimensions, strings, dark energies, other forms of matter, or any other type of altered time, matter, energy or space. Newton’s second law of motion confirms to us that our universe functions without the existence of such things. This is why any and all of the theories which attempt to employ such concepts defy the known laws of science. The mathematicians try and create new formulas so that they can incorporate those theoretical components and concepts into reality, but it will never work. The results of those formulas will always be such that they result in defying the true nature of the universe. That is because the universe is made up of only those four actual components. The theoretical components are fantasies. Perhaps it is actually more accurate to say that those other theoretical components are just nightmares. They are bad dreams conjured up from within troubled minds.
COPYRIGHT © 2018, By Jonathan P. Volkel
The Analysis topic “TIME, SPACE, MATTER and ENERGY” examined the “composition” of the four components of existence. With that understanding of how they relate to one another, an examination of how and why our universe moves at the minutest level can be understood. The first step in this examination requires a deeper look into the relationship and interactions that occur when MATTER is combined with ENERGY.
As stated in the Analysis topic “Relativity”, the force of inertia is identical to the force of gravity. After all, Newton’s second law of motion and his law of universal gravitation define both of those forces as being quantified with identical units of measurement (Newtons). This fact is the whole reason why Einstein changed gravity from a force into a field that bends space. He did so in order to try and provide some sort of reason to explain and achieve the resultant equality of forces.
It has also been established in the previous chapter, on the topic of MATTER, that gravity is a center seeking force and that somehow MATTER has something to do with this center seeking effect. Does this mean that ENERGY is not the only type of force that exists in the universe? Does a second type of energy/force also exist within the nature and makeup of MATTER? Does this mean that MATTER somehow radiates a new type of center seeking effect that is equivalent to inertia in motion?
No, it doesn’t. It can’t possibly mean that. The substance and nature of MATTER and ENERGY are completely different. There is only the one unified ENERGY and the one unified MATTER. There cannot possibly be two different types of force in existence. ENERGY does not possess tangibility or mass in its nature, and MATTER does not possess any motion or ENERGY in its nature. What we are actually seeing when we observe the center seeking effect within MATTER is the true nature of how MATTER and ENERGY interact when they are combined.
The proof of this is in understanding what Newton’s second law of motion (F = ma) is really revealing. A force is a mass in motion. A force is not just simply ENERGY. And, it is not just something that exists in MATTER. A force is the combination of those two universal components: Force = MATTER + ENERGY = matter in motion. “Force” is not some type of fifth universal component that makes up the universe. “Force” only comes into existence because MATTER has been infused with ENERGY.
Recall some of the characteristics of MATTER and ENERGY and compare them. MATTER is a liquid. It is completely inert and devoid of any type of ENERGY. Other than being tangible, liquid, shapeless, and having the ability to occupy SPACE in three dimensions, its behavior includes the additional characteristic of the nature to NOT MOVE. All it “wants” to do is sit absolutely still and do nothing. The only thing that it possibly can do if left to itself is just sit still and do nothing. It does not even have the ability to form itself into any type of “shape”. It even has the nature of resisting being moved. It can’t “do” anything. To use a figure of speech, it has no “arms or legs”.
ENERGY is not tangible. It does not occupy SPACE. Instead, it occupies and saturates MATTER which in turn occupies SPACE. Its other main characteristic that separates it from all else is that it “wants” to move. It must move. In fact, it is impossible for ENERGY to stand still. That is all that it really does; move. And when it moves, it moves as far and as fast as it can. Its ability to move is limited. It is only able to move at a constant velocity in a single direction, and it is only able to exist in this universe by occupying MATTER. This in turn causes the MATTER to move along with it. When you combine the nature of mass-less ENERGY to move at infinite speed with MATTER’s nature to not move at all, the combination of the two results in the motion of MATTER through SPACE at measurable speeds. If more ENERGY is applied to a fixed quantity of MATTER, it results in the MATTER moving at faster speeds. If more MATTER is applied to a fixed quantity of ENERGY, it results in the MATTER moving at slower speeds.
If ENERGY encounters resistance or opposition to its movement (another object of MATTER blocks its path), the ENERGY trades places with the inertia that occupies that resistance. It does this so that after the transfer happens, it will be able to move again more freely. Its nature to move requires that it always occupy MATTER in such a way that the MATTER can move with the least possible resistance to motion. That path of least resistance is motion through unoccupied SPACE. If completely surrounded by MATTER, then ENERGY will trade places in such a way so that, when it does cause the newly occupied MATTER to move, it will move in the path of least resistance. Although different “quantities” of ENERGY (assuming such a term even applies to it) can increase or decrease the speed of MATTER’s motion, there is nothing within ENERGY’s nature that gives it the ability to change its direction of motion.
The phrase “path of least resistance” may sound familiar. It is a term frequently used to describe electrical behavior. All the laws and rules that apply to electricity will apply here. That is because those laws were discovered by analyzing electrical motion. After all, that is all that electricity really is; the energy of motion. Electricity is the motion of ENERGY as it moves from atom to atom. Sub-atomic motion involves ENERGY moving back and forth from individual atomic components to photons, and from photon to photon. This difference affects the behavior of motion.
For example, in a simple parallel electrical circuit consisting of two branches, the current that passes through that circuit will divide between the two branches. The less resistance in a branch, the more current will flow through that branch. One branch could be only one inch long but possesses a resistance of 100 Ohms, while the second branch could be ten feet long and possess a resistance of only 1 Ohm. Most of the current will pass through the ten-foot section. The length of the pathway doesn’t matter. What matters is the opposition to motion. Motion still “sees” the longer pathway as a “shortcut”. Less resistance to motion means that ENERGY can move faster along that pathway. And so, that pathway represents the quickest route to the destination. This concept applies to electricity and sub-atomic motion as well.
The main difference is the destination of electrical motion compared to the destination of motion within the ether. The “goal” of motion is to equalize. That is, to relocate an excess of energy to an area with less energy, and then spread the excess out so that everything has the same motion. When electricity is generated, a large surplus of atomic motion is created in an extremely localized area. That electrical energy is confined to moving through atoms, and it will move to the largest cluster of atoms that has less motion. That cluster is referred to as “ground”. It just so happens that, with electricity, “ground” is the actual ground. It is the bulk of atoms that makes up the planet Earth.
With the ether, “ground” is different. “Ground” is the place that has the absolute least resistance to motion and a total absence of motion. For the ether, “ground” is empty SPACE. Although ENERGY within MATTER cannot escape the MATTER and travel through SPACE on its own, it can surround itself with as much SPACE as possible. If ENERGY occupies the smallest piece of MATTER possible, and surrounds itself with empty SPACE, then the ENERGY in that object can move the fastest that it can possibly move in this universe. This is what entropy is all about. ENERGY tries to get as much “elbow room” as it can so that it can move as much as possible without obstruction.
ENERGY imparts motion to MATTER, and MATTER simultaneously limits the motion of ENERGY. This means that MATTER becomes the vehicle which gives ENERGY the ability to travel through SPACE while simultaneously opposing and restricting its ability to move. As such, MATTER acts like a resistor against motion. This slows ENERGY down so that it can be affected by TIME. Without MATTER, ENERGY would move at infinite speed and TIME would not be able to be applied to it. Without MATTER, ENERGY would not be able to even exist within SPACE. By combining ENERGY with MATTER, the reduction in speed enables the component of TIME to be applied to them both while simultaneously allowing ENERGY to exist in and move through SPACE. Given enough TIME, MATTER causes ENERGY to change direction so that the two of them can travel as one through the three dimensions of SPACE. If any one of the four components of the universe was missing, none of the other components could interact with each other.
Since MATTER can separate from itself and exist as an innumerable series of discrete and individual objects, then the motion of ENERGY can get blocked by these other pieces of MATTER. ENERGY must transfer from one piece of MATTER to the next in order to keep going. While ENERGY exists in MATTER, the nature of MATTER causes the speed of ENERGY to slow down. However, when ENERGY transfers from one piece of MATTER to the next, the speed limit doesn’t exist during the transferal. If two objects of MATTER come into contact with one another, the ENERGY within each instantly transfers into the other object. The ENERGY within each object tries to keep moving in the one and only direction that it wants to move in. As a result, when two different objects come into contact with one another, the ENERGY trades places between the two objects.
Prior to the 1600’s, science used to think that the nature of MATTER was to be at rest. Galileo changed that way of thinking. He decided that the nature of MATTER was to continue in whatever state of motion it possessed. This is the essence of what the definition of inertia now is; the tendency of an object to continue in its state of motion. This definition assumes that the nature of MATTER is to neither move nor stay still. Its nature is simply to keep doing whatever it is that it is currently doing.
This understanding of MATTER is erroneous because of a lack of understanding about the differences in nature between MATTER and ENERGY. Galileo’s belief gives MATTER the ability to move on its own. The inability to move is one of the main things that make MATTER different from ENERGY. ENERGY is not a “fuel”, like gasoline, that fills MATTER and slowly depletes and is expended as MATTER moves. It is a state of being which merges with MATTER and imparts its nature of moving into it. The tendency to continue in that motion is not an attribute of MATTER. It is an attribute of ENERGY. As such, an object continues in its velocity and direction only because the energy of motion that exists within it, which causes it to move, has not changed. The only way that it can change is by colliding with another object.
Science seems to think that an object moves because it was pushed by external forces, and then continues to move because it is the nature of MATTER to just continue in its state of motion, coasting eternally. The correct understanding is that MATTER does not move by being “pushed”. It moves because it merged its nature with the nature of ENERGY. Once occupied by ENERGY, the MATTER simply “goes along for the ride”. Its mass puts a drag on ENERGY’s ability to move. If the ENERGY of motion could somehow be drained from the MATTER, then the MATTER would return to its natural state of being completely inert and motionless. And so, the term “inertia” should actually be a definition of the behavior of ENERGY while it inhabits the otherwise motionless MATTER.
Throughout this paper the term “inertia” was used in a context that causes it to be applied to the concept of the nature of the constant velocity of the ENERGY rather than as a reference to the nature of MATTER. Scientists would disagree with that usage of the term. In the introduction, a brief explanation was provided for that usage of the term “inertia”. Hopefully, this clarifies that explanation a bit further.
MATTER has no shape or form in and of itself. It does not exist as a sphere, cube, or any other shape. It cannot shape itself. It can be moved into various shapes because it is a liquid. Once occupied by ENERGY, the liquid of MATTER then moves to wherever ENERGY causes it to move. Patterned movements of ENERGY cause MATTER to achieve a shape that corresponds to the pattern of motion.
When the two components of MATTER and ENERGY are combined, an amazing new effect is created. The nature of MATTER is such that its substance is able to redirect and aim the ENERGY of motion right at the center of itself. This ability is not something that MATTER is capable of doing on its own. ENERGY within MATTER causes this behavior to come into existence. This effect is what allows multiple particles of MATTER to merge into larger discrete units. Once two such liquid objects touch, their combined mass attains a new location for the “center”. The redirection of energy towards that center results in the MATTER re-shaping itself into a spherical droplet. Remember that a quantity of ENERGY only moves with a constant velocity in an unchanging direction. It cannot change direction on its own. Under the right conditions, MATTER can cause ENERGY to change direction so that the ENERGY causes MATTER to move towards the center of itself.
Remember that MATTER is uniform and cannot be compressed. Once the MATTER can travel no further towards the center it stops moving towards the center, but the ENERGY does not stop moving. The inward travelling ENERGY passes right through the center and keeps travelling in the direction that it “wants” to go on a path of least resistance that would lead it out of the MATTER. However, ENERGY cannot exit the MATTER and exist in empty space as some sort of mass-less particle or wave. It only exists within MATTER. As a result, the MATTER begins to move through SPACE. MATTER does not move because it was pushed forward from an external object behind it. Instead, the MATTER moves because an external object transferred its energy of motion into it. That now internal energy is continuously “pushing” the object from inside it.
How could it be possible that the substance of MATTER redirects ENERGY to travel inward towards the center? Wouldn’t that mean that MATTER functions like a one-way road for ENERGY? Yes, it would.
Then how could ENERGY pass right into the center and yet still be able to head outward again? Does energy somehow pass right through itself? It would seem that ENERGY does pass right through itself when it trades places with the ENERGY of another object, but the MATTER that is occupied by ENERGY cannot pass through itself. Even so, that is not why this is happening here. Then how could MATTER be a one-way road that directs ENERGY to the center, and yet simultaneously accommodate outbound ENERGY from its center towards the surface? Just as it is with the behavior of the ether so is it with the behavior of ENERGY within MATTER. That is, what goes in must also be able to come out somewhere. If ENERGY only traveled inward to the center of MATTER, then it would be forever trapped there and no more exchanges of ENERGY could occur.
In order for MATTER to be able to redirect energy inward while simultaneously allowing it to move outward would require that MATTER would have to be made up of many one-way roads that travel in opposite directions. How could that be possible? How can MATTER be inert and uniform in its makeup and yet simultaneously be made of two kinds of “roads”? An overly simplistic way to demonstrate how this is possible is to represent MATTER with a sort of “star-like” pattern to its substance. The following image will convey the idea.
First, imagine that the MATTER depicted above started out as some random shape. Then, ENERGY was applied to it in such a way as to cause it to be moving into the six-sided star configuration. As such, the outward pointing angles are there because they are moving into that position. The inward pointing angles are moving inward. The one-way roads that are created are not there because of a special property inherent in the substance and makeup of MATTER. They exist because the direction of motion of the moving MATTER is what the one-way road actually is.
The indentations and protrusions are actually indicating the direction in which ENERGY is moving at that moment in TIME. These pathways become inward and outward paths of least resistance because they are in motion. The inward pointing angles exist because ENERGY is moving inward at that location. The outward pointing angles exist because ENERGY is moving outward at that location. MATTER is only able to move where the ENERGY causes it to move. It takes on a shape that ENERGY causes it to acquire.
The above image is that of a six-pointed star. It is an overly simplistic illustration whose only purpose is to demonstrate the overall basic concept. The liquid nature of MATTER allows its shape to conform to any pattern of incoming energy. That means that the actual number of “points of the star” depends upon the pattern of motion of the ENERGY that exists in its surrounding environment.
The nature of MATTER is to exist as a shapeless and inert lump of liquid completely “unwilling” and unable to move or do anything. Its shape is forced to change when ENERGY is infused into it. It begins to move. If ENERGY is applied to a piece of MATTER from multiple directions in rapid intervals, the MATTER begins to vibrate (move rapidly back and forth). The shape of MATTER begins to transform in such a way so that its shape matches the patterns of motion of ENERGY. MATTER simply moves where, how and when the ENERGY tells it to move.
Expand this concept of the shape that MATTER acquires after being affected by ENERGY a bit further, beyond the simple star pattern. Imagine the pattern and shape of a line that is shaped like a sine wave. Imagine taking one end of the sine wave, looping it around in a circle and attaching it to the other end of the sine wave. The resulting circular shape would resemble the star pattern above, with the difference being that peaks and valleys would be rounded rather than pointed. The following picture will provide the general idea.
Now expand that concept one more time. Imagine how this shape would look if it were expanded from a two-dimensional circle into a three-dimensional sphere. In the end, it would sort of look like a golf ball, with peaks and valleys all over its surface. These peaks and valleys are actually three-dimensional spherical waves representing up and down motion. The valleys are actually pathways of motion that travel inward. The peaks are pathways of motion that travel outward. The surface contours are fluid and ever changing. What was at one moment valleys suddenly reverses direction and becomes peaks. Peaks suddenly reverse and become valleys. And all of these peaks and valleys are pathways of motion towards or away from one single place; the center of the sphere. These one-way roads of energy are not part of the makeup or nature of MATTER. They were created by the application of patterns of ENERGY into the MATTER. In other words, ENERGY transforms MATTER into a tangible and fluid three-dimensional wave.
The concept can be seen with the naked eye by simply watching waves moving though water. Take a moment to watch that motion. Focus attention onto one specific spot. As the wave goes by, the water momentarily moves up, then moves down. The direction of motion of any “piece” of that water is continuously changing. It changes because the pattern of the applied ENERGY of motion is making the water change its shape with the same pattern.
When shapeless and motionless MATTER is subjected to patterned inputs of ENERGY coming in from all different directions, it begins to acquire a shape that resembles the pattern of inputs. Perhaps think of it like a sculptor with a shapeless blob of clay, pounding on it on all sides in order to shape it into a sphere. The liquid blob that is MATTER sits in the ether. It is completely surrounded by a dense cloud of countless photons that are colliding with it from all possible directions at an incredibly high, speed of light, “rapid fire” rate. The ripples of motion travelling in all directions throughout the substance of MATTER begins to blend into a vibrating patterned motion. This patterned vibration causes the liquid MATTER to form into a sphere with ripples of motion that move directly towards and away from the center of the sphere.
The peaks and valleys created by this vibration indicate the direction of motion of the fluid that makes up that object. A valley does not actually indicate a center bound continually flowing current of liquid. It is not a miniature “Gulf Stream” that circulates within the object around and around from the surface to the center. It is vibrating motion. There is a big difference between the two.
A collision with an incoming photon creates the input of the ENERGY of motion into the liquid that makes up an object. All of the liquid in the pathway of that collision travels in a straight line, which would carry it right through the object and out the other side. Even though the liquid is uniform and continuous, the ENERGY of motion still travels through it by propagation, instantaneously transferring from one minute “piece” of the fluid to the next. Since the fluid’s substance is continuous and has no gaps, the propagation is instantaneous. This would result in an equal amount of the liquid, possessing the mass of a photon, detaching and departing from the object on the opposite side of the collision and flying off into space.
However, before the liquid on the opposite side has a chance to detach and fly off, another impact happens on that opposite side causing the direction of motion to be reversed. As a result, the peaks and valleys do not indicate the direction of a flowing current. Instead, they indicate the momentary direction of travel of the liquid. The liquid inside the object vibrates. It moves back and forth within the object. Although any individual segment of the liquid does not complete the trip and reach the other side or even get to travel very far, the pattern of motion passes right through the entire object. It is the ultimate, super compressed manifestation of instantaneous propagation. And so, the peaks and valleys are just indicators of brief and momentary directions of travel. Even though the direction of travel is brief and very quickly reverses direction due to an opposing collision, it is more than enough time for ENERGY to travel that pathway and reach the center before the direction reverses.
If an object is subjected to these rapid collisions from all different possible directions, the patterned vibrations that are created within it causes the resultant pathways of motion to all push equally against one another as they travel inward. This results in all of the inward pathways converging at the center, causing the patterns of motion to shape the MATTER into a sphere. The ether consists of a high concentration of particles all moving at light speeds. Because of this, ANY concentration of MATTER that is inserted into that environment will have its substance shaped into a sphere.
ENERGY always “chooses” to move in the path of least resistance. And so, whenever ENERGY enters an object vibrating in this way, it will travel the path of least resistance in order to get to the other side of that object. That inward path of least resistance will always lead to the center of the spherical object. The outward path will be the one which is pointing in the same direction the ENERGY was pointing at when it entered the object. The behavior of these pathways creates the effect of being a center seeking force because it channels all incoming energy towards its center. In other words, it gives MATTER the ability to change the direction of ENERGY.
The action of redirecting ENERGY must have its consequences. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If MATTER causes a change in the direction of ENERGY, then that is an action. An equal and opposite reaction would be that ENERGY simultaneously causes a change in the direction of MATTER. This must happen. If changing the direction of ENERGY does not also result in a change in the direction of MATTER, then the law is violated and the explanation is no good.
Any exchange of inertia that happens because of a direct head-on collision will result in ENERGY going straight in one side and straight out the other side. Any angled collision results in the energy entering the MATTER at an angle. When it crosses paths with one of the other pathways that lead to the center, the energy changes direction and follows that pathway. This does not change the nature of its direction of motion. It still “wants” to travel in a straight line, but the direction that it wants to go offers more resistance to its motion than the resistance offered within the center seeking pathway. It follows the path of least resistance in order to get to the other side of the object quicker.
It pushes against the MATTER that surrounds the center seeking pathway in the direction that it wants to go during this journey. This is an off-center force applied to the inside of a spherical object. It results in the object starting to spin and some of the energy of motion gets left behind within the MATTER that it pushed. The ENERGY distributes as it would in a parallel electrical circuit. Once the bulk of the energy arrives at the center, it quickly finds the pathway of least resistance that is pointing in the direction it wants to go. It now resumes its natural direction of travel virtually unopposed. The center of an object is like a transportation hub that has arrivals coming in and departures going out in all possible directions.
Realize that the “pathway of least resistance” is the equivalent of a “shortcut”. But it is not a shortcut that reduces the distance traveled. It reduces the amount of time needed for the energy to reach a location where it has the least resistance in the direction that it wants to go. That final location is one that places it right next to empty space. The most ideal location for ENERGY is situated within a single photon moving through space with nothing but empty space continually in its path.
There are three factors at work here that make it difficult to follow the motion and see the true cause and effect of what is going on. The first is that one must remember that ENERGY propagates through the continuous liquid substance of a uniform object and trades places with ENERGY within it in such a way so that the newly occupied portion of internal mass will move in the path of least resistance. This means that the back-and-forth trading of inertia that happens inside of a single object does not necessarily occur in the direction that the inertia is pointing in. Instead, it occurs in the direction that will make it easiest for the MATTER to move after the trade has occurred.
The second thing to remember is the incredible speed and extremely high quantity of “trades” that occur. Changes in the overall quantity and direction of motion inside of a single uniform object only happen because of contact with another physical object, such as a photon or a different atom. Any and all objects in SPACE are surrounded by a dense swarm of photons, which are all moving at light speeds. The number of impacts per second is an incalculably huge quantity. There is never a situation in this universe wherein an absence of external contacts occurs. If these factors are kept in mind, then the motion of a single uniform liquid can be understood if perceived in a step-by-step manner.
The third factor that affects and determines motion is the basic unit of motion. MATTER can exist as any size droplet, even droplets much smaller than the photon. Any amount of ENERGY can occupy that droplet causing it to move at any speed, even much faster than the light speeds that we are accustomed to seeing. This concept only indicates all the infinite combinations that could exist. However, the MATTER that our universe possesses in its smallest sized droplet contains the mass of one photon. Also, that photon quantity of mass is filled with a finite amount of ENERGY that causes it to move at various high speeds.
All photons have the same mass, but many contain different amounts of ENERGY. All of that ENERGY combined yields a grand total ENERGY possessed by the ether. That grand total, divided by the number of photons, equals the average speed of a single photon. Whatever that average value may actually be, it is the basic speed of light and is the fundamental basic unit of mass in motion in our universe. All other motion in this universe is built upon this. It is theoretically possible that photon sizes and energies could be different in some other reality, but who cares. All that matters is the conditions that actually exist in our reality.
In what sort of arrangement does the energy of motion exist within and occupy a single photon? Does it all concentrate together and exist as a single point of motion in the center of it? That type of situation wouldn't work. If energy did exist only in the center of a photon, then the continually divisible nature of MATTER would cause that center to fly away and detach itself from the rest of the mass of the photon. The energy of motion must saturate every single continuous bit of substance that is the mass of the photon. With that being the case, then, for example, if the photon was moving at ten miles per hour, then no matter how small a piece of that photon you looked at, it would contain motion at that same speed. The infinitely small nature of MATTER matches the infinitely small nature of ENERGY to allow the two to coexist in a perfect one to one match-up. This is why the photon is the basic unit of mass and energy.
In this universe, the smallest discrete mass amount that is uniformly infused with energy is the mass of one photon. The speed that this energy creates when it inhabits that mass is “the speed of light”. Of course, we may never be able to determine what the value of that speed actually is. All we can determine is the speed that a photon possesses after it exits from one of the atomic components.
Each and every photon possesses ENERGY in such a way that it points in one direction and moves at one speed. That is the only ENERGY that a single photon is ever capable of having or possessing at any given time; one speed and one direction that totally saturates its entire makeup. The “quantity” of ENERGY and therefore speed can change, but the direction will never change on its own.
When a photon collides with another photon, all of the energy within all of its mass trade’s places with all of the energy within all of the other photon’s mass. It is a nearly infinite quantity of trades happening instantaneously. It will pass its speed and direction of motion on to the other photon. It will receive its new speed and direction of motion from the other photon.
The trading of inertia between two photons ends up being quite simple. There is only one possible location for the energy to trade to; the other photon. The reason that the trade happens is because the collision represents an opposition to the energy’s ability to move. A collision introduces an obstruction that creates more resistance to its ability to move than the resistance that is inherent in the nature of the mass it occupies. The energy trades places so that its new habitation can move in the path of least resistance. The only thing that surrounds two colliding photons is empty space. By transferring itself into the other photon, ENERGY places itself within a mass that has only empty space in the direction that it wants to travel.
Neutrons, protons and electrons are made of photons. These photons “melt” into one another to form those larger collections of uniform liquid. The energy of motion remains dispersed entirely throughout the liquid, resulting in the liquid vibrating. The center seeking force is created because any motion that happens to be headed inward will cross paths with other motion that is also headed inward. They all end up pushing against one another and become redirected towards the center.
This energy within an atomic component never sits still. ENERGY is perpetually moving and trading places with the inertia all around it. Every “pocket” of ENERGY keeps trading places with the one next to it as the internal mass of the object moves. That is what ENERGY does; it continually moves and in so doing causes the object to continue in its motion. The directions of motion within the neutron continuously move back and forth throughout the substance of the neutron.
If, somehow, a scenario was possible wherein all of the directions of motion within a single neutron pointed in the same direction, the neutron would move in a straight line at “the speed of light”. Of course, if that were to happen, then the neutron would no longer be vibrating. If it no longer vibrated, then the center seeking pathways would vanish. If they vanished, then the neutron would not be able to hold together as a spherical object and is vulnerable to flying apart. Because all the inertia within it in this scenario is moving at the same speed in the same direction, it will not change its shape.
Rather than allowing one’s mind to sink into the endless depths of trying to envision this in some sort of infinitely small inner sub-photon concept, it is best to just simplify things. Just consider all photons as being discrete units of mass that possess energy throughout their entire substance that causes them to move at “the speed of light” in only one direction.
A photon -to -photon collision is a one for one exchange of inertia (speed and direction). A photon that collides with any of the other three larger types of discrete components is also a one for one exchange; one photon in and one photon out. The energy possessed by the incoming photon repeatedly trades places with the energy that occupies the larger component. The center seeking effect compels the motion to move to the center first, and then on out the side that is in the direction that offers the path of least resistance to the direction that the inertia is pointing. That’s where the one photon quantity of mass detaches and emerges into empty space. The center seeking effect compels the incoming photon that collided with the larger object to “melt” its mass into that of the larger object.
Imagine a scenario wherein the multiple directions of ENERGY that exist within a single larger atomic component result in a head on collision of motion within that one object. The two portions of mass within that inner vibrating liquid have their paths of travel completely blocked and their forward motion comes to a stop. What happens to the energy of motion? Does it cancel out and then vanish from existence? That is impossible, because the law of conservation of energy tells us that ENERGY is neither created nor destroyed. Does the energy just sit there, unmoving and waiting to move? That is also impossible. If ENERGY could “stand still”, then it wouldn’t be ENERGY. Motion is what ENERGY is. It cannot “stand still”. It ALWAYS moves.
An example that might help to understand this would be one involving “pressure”. When many objects are moving right at one another and there is nowhere else to go, ENERGY builds up and pressure is created. Gravity causes this type of thing to happen in the core of large objects, such as stars. The following image represents the center of such an object. It depicts two groups of MATTER all trying to move to the center from opposite directions. Each object is blocking the path of the other objects. MATTER is rendered unable to move, but ENERGY must continue to move. In which direction does the inertia trade places?
Consider the inertia that occupies the mass at position #4. The mass cannot move, but the ENERGY which occupies that mass must keep moving. In order to do so, it trades places with the inertia of one of its neighbors. Will it trade places with #3 or #5? If it trades places with #5, it will end up in a location that has the object in front of it containing inertia pointing right at it, opposite the direction that it wants to move in. This is a position of maximum resistance to motion. If it trades places with #3, then it will be in a position wherein the object in front of it has inertia pointing in the same direction that it wants to move in. Given the choices, #3 offers a position of least resistance.
Once the trade is completed, the situation is exactly the same as before the trade happened. In other words, the picture hasn’t changed. These trades continue to happen in such a way that it prevents a situation wherein ENERGY “stands still”. Even though mass is not moving, ENERGY is. That ENERGY can increase in magnitude if input into this system continues, resulting in increased pressure. Any type of analysis or explanation that results in the conclusion that ENERGY is not moving is an incorrect one. To say that ENERGY is not moving is a self-contradictory paradox. That is because motion is the very essence of what ENERGY is.
An earlier topic discussed the four different sizes of the sub-atomic components; neutrons, protons, electrons and photons. It was stated there that some sort of “change of state” caused these collections of MATTER to exist in the quantities that they do. A change of some sort in its energy caused the change in size. Now exactly what that change of energy is will be clarified.
Because atomic components are submerged in the ether, they are perpetually bombarded with collisions from photons that are moving at light speeds. Remember that F = ma. This means that the photons are striking the atomic components with an external force. It is the mass and speed of the photon that determines the amount of force that a single photon can apply. It is the quantity of photons that strike the object per second that determines the total effect from all of those combined forces. The huge quantity of photons that surrounds everything acts like an external pressure that squeezes larger concentrations of MATTER together. It causes an effect on MATTER submerged in the ether similar to the effect on air when it is submerged under water. Water causes all of the air molecules to move to the center of themselves and form into a bubble.
Because the ether applies a rapid-fire bombardment of external forces to atomic components, those components vibrate. Because they vibrate, they experience the center seeking effect which causes them to form into spheres. This imposes no limit on the size that the spheres can attain. ENERGY is the thing that determines the shape of MATTER. As such, the more and more MATTER that is subjected to this type of external force applied by the ether, then the bigger and bigger the resultant sphere will become. In order for ENERGY to be able to attain the ability to alter and regulate the size of the sphere, ENERGY must be applied to the MATTER in some form other than that which is applied by the ether’s random vibration. That ENERGY must be applied with a non-random patterned form of motion.
The MATTER possessed by a photon is the exception to this because it does not vibrate. It, along with the motion of its countless “brothers”, causes vibration to occur in the objects that they surround. Photons do not possess a center seeking effect. Photons do not get “squeezed” by the ether because they ARE the ether. A photon’s quantity of mass will not change.
This would indicate that, not only is the quantity of mass possessed by a photon constant, but it also quite possibly has no particular shape. It could look like anything. However, whatever shape it does possess, ultimately, that shape will not change. It does not deform or scatter upon impacts with other objects. That is because it is the fundamental unit of mass in motion. Its entire substance is saturated with the energy of motion, and all of that ENERGY points in only one direction. When one photon collides with another photon, it does so because the ENERGY within those two photons was moving in different directions. A photon transfers its ENERGY into the MATTER of the other photon in the exact same pattern that the ENERGY originally had within itself. Thus, if two photons of equal mass but different shapes collide, the transferal of inertia will result in the receiving photon changing its shape to look like the sending photon.
What shape is a photon? It is likely that they all have the same shape and perhaps are all spherical. How did they come to be spherical in shape? What forces caused them to take on that shape? Why do they all have exactly the same quantity of mass? Although a specific chain of events that would cause this is not evident, explanations are possible. However, the consistency of data suggests that they are all the same shape. The data being referred to is the consistent rate of the dispersion of light in outer space. If the shape of photons was random, then dispersion of light would occur at various unpredictable degrees due to varying diameters of photons.
The other three larger components (neutrons, protons and electrons) are all made of many photons merged into one object. This results in them only seeming to be one object. They are actually just many individual photons arranged in a pattern that resembles the larger component. Any collision that occurs with this type of object is the same as if one photon struck one photon many, many times in a row. Increased straight line linear speed will not change this effect.
The only way to get the larger components to stop behaving like an organized collection of individual photons and start behaving like a single whole and unified individual object is to apply extra energy of motion to it in a different way. Instead of applying it so that the larger component travels in a straight line, the energy must be applied in a pattern that causes it to spin (rotate around a central axis). It is the nature of spinning that causes the size of an atomic component to be limited.
When an object spins, a centrifugal force comes into effect. That is, an object will continue in its velocity and direction, travelling in a straight line. This would normally cause a spinning liquid to fly apart, drop by drop. In this case, the nature of ENERGY to only travel in a straight line will cause larger spinning atomic components to fly apart, photon by photon, until there was nothing left but scattered photons.
However, the second half of Newton’s first law of motion says “…unless acted upon by an external force.” Centrifugal force isn’t really a force at all. It is just the absence of a centripetal force. That is, it is the absence of an external and center seeking force. But wait. It just so happens that these larger objects are vibrating. That vibration creates pathways of motion that are pathways of least resistance that go straight to the center of the spherical liquid. Those pathways were created by the continuous and incredibly fast application an external force to the outside surface of that object. That pattern of external forces changes the direction of motion within that object so that it can rotate on its axis and remain intact rather than having small pieces of itself detach and fly away in a straight line.
The reduced resistance to motion that exists in these center seeking pathways is exactly the same no matter what the size of the object. That is because all of the pathways are formed by the same thing; the patterned application of force caused by the impacts from the photons in the ether. If the centrifugal force of the spinning motion of an object is less than the centripetal force of the center seeking effect, then the liquid in that object will not fly off into space. It will instead be drawn to the center by the need for ENERGY to travel in the path of least resistance.
If the centrifugal spinning force of the object is greater than the centripetal center seeking effect, then one photon’s mass at a time will detach itself from the object and move in a straight line away from the object. If the spinning force is equal to the center seeking effect, then the energy must “choose” a path. Both the center seeking pathway back into the object and the direct pathway out of the object and towards empty space offer equal resistance. That is, no matter which path of travel ENERGY takes, it will require the exact same amount of time to reach the desired destination. That choice is random. As such, the actual quantity of mass that comprises any of the atomic components can vary back and forth by the amount of one photon’s mass.
Applying ENERGY to a spherical object in such a way as to cause it to spin has various results. The larger a spherical object is, the greater its circumference is. The greater the circumference is, the faster the speeds that manifest at the surface. A very large spinning accumulation of photons will have surface speeds that exceed the inward centripetal center seeking force. It will continuously throw photons off into space faster than the ether can knock them back in. As the mass that makes up this object reduces, the center seeking effect will continuously reshape the liquid matter into smaller and smaller spheres. Eventually, the circumference is reduced to a size wherein the force of the surface speed is less than the center seeking effect. At that point, the object ceases losing mass and remains intact as one discrete and single object.
If the spinning speed is increased, then the object must again throw off more mass in order to reduce it circumference and the resultant surface speed. Once the circumference becomes small enough, the centrifugal force manifested at the surface is again reduced to a level below the centripetal force of the center seeking effect. The object becomes stable at this new size.
This is the “change of state” that was referred to earlier. When spinning speed increases, the object undergoes a change of state into a new smaller sized object. Since neutrons, protons and electrons are different sizes it means that they are spinning at different speeds. Spinning enables them to behave as individual discrete objects rather than as a group of photons that happen to be moving together.
All neutrons, protons and electrons in this universe exist in the ether and are continuously struck by a countless and endless barrage of photons. If the spinning speed of one of these atomic components decreases, then the possibility exists that incoming photons won’t emerge. They would add to the components mass and resultant size. If the component’s speed increases, it would throw off some photons and reduce its size. This indicates that not only are the shapes of the atomic components not fixed, but neither is their quantity of mass.
Does this mean that if energy is added to something, it will lose mass and shrink? It would seem that way. Of course, adding energy also means that the object is moving faster and needs more room to move around in. The extra “elbow room” offsets the shrinkage. However, extra “elbow room” also results in a change of state from liquid to gas (for example). Perhaps orbital speed also contributes to the center seeking effect. This would result in rotational speed differences being counteracted by orbital speed differences resulting in an unchanging center seeking effect. As a result, a change in rotational speed might not also result in a change in the object’s mass.
Photons do not spin. Because of this, they do not bounce off of anything. They merge their liquid nature with whatever atomic component they collide with. Their energy propagates through that object and emerges out of the other side with the same mass, speed and direction that the colliding photon had. One photon goes in, and one comes out the other side.
Neutrons, protons and electrons behave differently because they spin. Any attempt by them to merge with any of the other components would result in adding together the mass and speed of the two objects. Not only would the circumference of the new sphere increase, but the spinning speed would increase as well. It would exceed the center seeking effect and their combined mass would immediately separate back into two smaller stable masses. As a result, spinning neutrons, protons and electrons don’t merge with one another. They can touch one another without merging. If their pathways of travel intersect on a collision course, they bounce off of one another.
Because spinning neutrons, protons and electrons behave as if they were one single object, analysis of their behavior can be greatly simplified. All of these components exist within the same ether. As such, they all vibrate with the exact same vibration energy. Collision between any two of these objects results in an exchange of inertia. The exchange of vibration inertia is an equal exchange which results in no change to either object’s behavior. Thus, vibration inertia can be ignored when analyzing motion.
Since spinning objects behave as one single object, then, just as with the photon, all of the motion within them can also be expressed as one single value. That value can be expressed as: “At what speed and in which direction at the point of contact.”
Below is an illustration demonstrating a collision between two discrete objects of equal mass travelling at different speeds in different directions. All of the energy contained within each object is expressed as a single line of motion. The thickness of the line indicates speed. The arrow indicates direction. When the two objects collide, they trade their inertia. They trade their speed and direction.
Next, the interaction between two spinning objects that are in contact with one another is examined. Imagine that both objects are neutrons. This means that they are the exact same size. Imagine that they are also spinning at the exact same speed. The left pair of neutrons shows both spinning in the same direction. The right pair of neutrons shows them spinning in opposite directions.
If some external force came along and forced these objects to come into contact and stay in contact, what would happen? First of all, because they behave as discrete individual units, they would not merge. Secondly, their energies can be expressed as a single speed and direction at the point of contact.
The left pair of neutrons (the ones that spin in the same direction) would completely stop spinning. This is an example of equally opposed inertia (pressure). Even though the objects cannot move, the energy within those objects continually moves. It keeps trading places back and forth between the two objects. Every time it does, the spin directions within each object reverses. Each time it reverses, each object tries to move in the same direction that other was moving. It’s like when two people walk right at one another. Then, they both step aside in the same direction to avoid collision, but find themselves still right in each other’s path. Then they both step aside again in the other direction and find themselves still blocking one another. ENERGY does not have the brains to figure out how to resolve this dilemma. It keeps switching directions back and forth and would do so forever unless some other force enters into the situation. Even though the masses are not spinning anymore, the energy within them is, and this maintains their inability to merge.
The two neutrons on the right are both spinning in opposite directions. If forced to come into contact with one another, the direction of travel at the point of contact matches one another. They can both remain in contact and keep spinning. If an external force causes one of them to speed up, the difference in speeds causes the immediate reaction of trading places. The faster one trades motion with the other one that it is in contact with. As a result, the faster one will then slow down again and the slower one will then speed up.
If many neutrons were in contact with one another in this fashion in a line, the change of speed would propagate right down the line all the way to the other end. If protons were attached to the end of that line, the change in speed would propagate through them next. If those protons were also in contact with electrons, the change in speed would propagate through them after that. If those electrons were in contact with the electrons of other atoms, the change in speed would propagate into the other atom. On and on it would go until the end of the line was finally reached. This is how our universe functions. This is a demonstration of how and why electricity moves through atoms.
If some external force infuses a great deal of energy into the first neutron in that line, the change in speed propagates down that line. A great difference in spinning speeds occurs at each contact point. This causes the entire line of connected neutrons to gain a linear up and down bounce. The neutrons sweep through the ether and come into contact with more photons per second than they would if they were not bouncing. This causes them to absorb more energy per second than is usual. That extra energy gets added to the neutrons, and increases the speed and height of the next neutron’s bounce. The next neutron encounters even more photons per second due to the even bigger bounce, and therefore absorbs even more energy from the ether than the previous one did from its slower and shorter bounce. The next neutron bounces higher and faster, absorbing even more energy than the previous neutron. The effect propagates down the line of neutrons, increasing the speed and magnitude of the bounce and the quantity of energy absorbed per bounce with each neutron in the line. Eventually, so much energy is infused into this system that it just can’t contain it anymore. This energy is immediately transferred back to the ether in an instantaneous explosive release. The end result is a nuclear explosion.
In the example of the two neutrons that were spinning in opposite directions, they were able to keep spinning because their point of contact was moving in the same direction. This point of contact is a pathway of heightened motion for ENERGY. It is a pathway of least resistance. The motion here is a sum of the motion of the center seeking pathways with the combined spinning motion of the two objects. Photons that strike these neutrons melt into the neutrons as usual. Their energy follows the center seeking pathways into the neutrons just like usual. However, once that energy is at the center, it “looks” for the exit that offers the least resistance to the direction that it wants to move in. Even though a vibrating pathway within the neutron might be pointing in exactly the direction the ENERGY wants to go in, the heightened speed that exists at the spinning interface creates a path of even less resistance to any photon that is headed in the general direction that the spinning motion at the interface is pointing to.
If the direction of the incoming photon was too different than the direction of motion at the interface, the resistance is still too high, and the photon’s energy takes the usual shortcut straight out from the center. Those photons that came from a direction from almost opposite the direction of motion at the interface will take the pathway out of the neutrons that travels through the interface. It’s faster than the usual pathways. Once this energy reaches the surface of the neutron, it will reform into a photon, emerge from the neutron and travel away from the interface in the direction that it was originally headed. The result is a stream of photons emerging from this interface that, when viewed as a group, move away from the interface in a cone shaped pattern. The following picture helps to illustrate this.
The two spheres on the right represent two neutrons, spinning in opposite directions and in contact with one another. The red and blue arrows indicate the directions of incoming and outgoing photons. The photon pathways shown in red represent those photons whose direction of motion is too different than the direction of motion that exists at the interface of the two neutrons. Because the difference in direction is too great, they ignore the interface pathway and travel the normal paths of least resistance. They strike the neutron and melt into it. Their energy follows the center seeking force into the center of the neutron, and then takes the usual path of least resistance straight out of the neutron.
The photon pathways shown in blue represent those photons whose direction of travel is close enough to the direction of travel at the interface, that it represents less resistance than the usual pathways out of the center. They strike the neutron and melt into its surface. Their energy follows the center seeking force into the center of the neutron. From there, it seeks the path of least resistance to exit from. The extra motion manifested at the interface offers less resistance than the traditional pathways out from the center. The photons head to the interface. Once out, they resume their normal direction of travel.
This effect causes the usually random pattern of photon motion to get concentrated into a sort of “spray”. Like the spray from an aerosol spray can, a large concentration of photons sprays out from that interface. Any object that happens to be in the path of that spray receives an extra focused dose of photons striking it on one side. Those photons all “melt” into that one side and, in turn, detach and emerge out the other side of that third object. Each time one photon enters and exits the receiving object, the center seeking force reshapes that object into a sphere whose location is shifted one photon’s diameter closer to the incoming photon spray. In other words, the object propagates through space towards the incoming photons. This is how and why gravity works.
Gravity is not some sort of unique force or imaginary “field” that emanates from within MATTER. The center seeking effect does play a big role in making it work, but it is just one contributor to the final result. All it does is channel moving photons and redirect them towards the center. Combining this with the spinning motion of the atomic components creates the “spray”. Essentially, the "spray" alters the randomness of the ether's usual vibrating motion into a more unidirectional pattern of motion. Objects that are affected by gravity end up vibrating back and forth a little less and move in one direction a little more. Gravity is indeed a force, and this is why the force of gravity and the force of inertia are equivalent. They are both manifestations of objects in motion.
It is very interesting that the gravitational constant of the universe was calculated to have a numerical value of 6.67. In the above diagram, it can be seen that three objects are in motion. Each represents one third of the total motion that is occurring. That is, each represents 33.3% of the total motion. Two of those objects must work together to create the photon spray which is created by inertia motion. The combination of their inertia is a force that represents 66.7% of the total motion. The other 33.3% of the total motion that is occurring is caused by the propagation (non-force) motion of the third object. And so, only 66.7% of gravity motion is caused by the force of inertia. What a remarkable numerical coincidence!
Everything in this universe moves one photon’s width at a time. As can be seen in the function and operation of gravity, objects move by shifting over one photon at a time. The same holds true for a single object moving through space. In the case of gravity, the object moved because it was trading places with the incoming photons. In the case of a single object moving by inertia in a linear direction, it advances forward by moving its internal mass forward one photon at a time. The following illustration will help to demonstrate the principle.
In this example, the liquid motion within a single discrete and uniform sub-atomic component will be seen. An example of such a component would be a neutron, proton or electron. Assume that the object is vibrating so that the center seeking effect is functioning. Also assume that it is rotating on its axis (spinning) and is simultaneously moving in a straight line through space. Also assume that during the entire step by step analysis no external forces other than random vibration occur. That is, there are no collisions with other atomic objects. Finally, realize that the basic unit of mass that is moved by ENERGY is the mass equivalent to one photon. This means that, when analyzing the internal motion of the object in a step-by-step fashion, it can be considered as occurring in quantities of mass equal to one photon’s mass per step. Here is the step-by-step analysis:
Image 1 - Since the object is spinning, then some of the liquid in that object contains inertia that is travelling from right to left. At the top there is one unit of photon’s mass that contains the linear straight-line motion. It is just under the surface of the object and wants to get out into empty space. Its direction of motion is perpendicular to the surface.
Image 2 – That single unit of photon mass contains inertia which is heading away from the object. It causes that quantity of mass to move outside of the object towards resistance free empty space. At this point in the illustration, it has just emerged and is still in physical contact with the rest of the object.
Image 3 – The right to left motion causes the object to rotate to the left. The forward inertia from the protruding mass is no longer aligned with the direction it wants to go. The protruding mass is closer to the destination that the right to left inertia wants to go. Inertia trades places. The right to left motion trades places into the protruding mass, while the protruding mass’s linear motion trades places with the right to left motion. The straight-line motion finds itself right back where it started. The protruding mass is now positioned one step to the left.
Image 4 – The same thing happens as in image 2. The straight-line inertia that points away from the object causes another photon’s mass of matter to emerge out from that side.
Image 5 – The events that occurred in image 3 happen again. Inertia trades places and the object rotates a little bit. Normally, the right to left motion would carry the protruding mass straight away from the object. It is at this point that the center seeking effect comes into play. Rather than flying off into space, it causes the protruding mass to begin to merge its liquid substance with that of the rest of the object.
Image 6 – This is the same thing that happened in image 4.
Image 7 – This is image 5 all over again. It is included so that it could more easily seen how the mass of the object is accumulating on the front of the object, one photon at a time. The accumulation of mass at the front “melts” back into the object thanks to the center seeking effect. At the same time, the mass in the back “melts” back in and is drawn forward in the process.
This is how the universe and all motions work. Everything moves one photon at a time. It all happens so incredibly fast, that it is perceived by us as if the object is moving as one whole object all at once.
This analysis also reveals a great deal about how and why ENERGY, MATTER, TIME and SPACE work together to create the different effects that we perceive to be different forces. Even the most basic and simplest of things, the uniform motion of solid objects, is an illusion. The reason we are fooled into believing the illusion is because of the incredibly fast speed at which this all happens.
Nothing in the above analysis would work if the object was not vibrating and spinning within the ether. If it were not spinning, then the one photon of mass would emerge from the object and simply keep going. The forward motion of the object would cease, carried away by the departing photon. This whole process demonstrates how and why an object that is in motion tends to stay in motion. It does not happen because it is the nature of MATTER to do so. It happens because it is the nature of ENERGY to move, and to move towards the path of least resistance.
Even if the object was spinning, nothing in the above analysis would work if the object was not also vibrating. It is because the object is submerged in the ether that causes it to vibrate. It is the vibration that causes the creation of the energy pathways of motion to the center of the object. It is those pathways that are the source and reason for the center seeking effect. Without it, the horizontal motion contained within the emerging droplet would cause it to separate and fly away from the object. The object would quickly and completely fly apart, one photon at a time.
Expanding on that previous concept one more level, imagine a spinning object that has the maximum mass for its spinning speed. Other than vibrating and spinning, it is sitting still. It gets struck by an incoming photon. That photon will merge with the object. Its energy will travel through the object and will follow the center seeking pathways to the other side. Since the object has maximum mass, the center seeking effect will be unable to retain that additional mass within itself. Which direction will the emerging mass travel in when it detaches from the object?
The left image illustrates the pathways of motion. The black arrows indicate the direction of the object’s spin. The blue lines indicate the pathway of the incoming and outgoing photon. At the moment the mass emerges on the surface of the object, the spinning motion causes the object to rotate to the left. This causes the initial inertia that originally entered this object to be moved out of its ideal position, so it trades places with the spinning inertia in order to get back into alignment with its own direction of travel. Since the objects mass is already at its maximum, the direction of the spinning inertia, which now occupies the protruding mass, will cause the protruding photon to detach and travel away in the indicated direction.
To the right is the same object at four different times from a more distant perspective. It is orbiting around a central point as indicated by the black arrows. The orbital speed adds to or subtracts from the speed of the emerging photon. Darker blue lines indicate that orbital speed added to the emerging photon’s speed. Light blue lines indicate that orbital speed subtracted from the emerging photon’s speed. If observed by an oscilloscope, these orbital increases and decreases in speed are displayed as changes in amplitude. The result of that display is the image of a sine wave.
The above analysis is a simplified explanation of the starting and finishing motion of a photon that strikes a vibrating and spinning object. The orbital motion of that object not only affects the outgoing speed, but will also affect the final direction that the emerging photon will travel in. There are so many photons colliding with objects every moment, it is impossible to attempt to show everything that is going on. Because of the immense quantity of in-going and outgoing photons, no matter which direction you look at this object from, there will always be photons emerging from it that travel in every possible direction.
If this object was an electron orbiting around a central neutron, then the speed and pattern of this orbital motion would result in a continuous patterned sequence of departing photons. The motion of those photons would propagate through the ether in a pattern that resembles a wave and would be perceived by us as light. Waves would radiate outward in all directions, similar to how they do when a pebble is dropped into water. The major difference being that these waves travel outward in three dimensions.
There are so many different patterns of motion occurring at any one moment, moving in all different directions, at all different magnitudes, and at all different frequencies, that a proper and thorough analysis goes way beyond anything that will be attempted here. Even so, there are still a couple of more examples that will be looked at. These examples help to illustrate important concepts.
There is a certain specific amount of energy that is needed to exist within an object in order for it to continue to hold together as a distinct object. Vibration causes it to be a sphere and establishes the center seeking effect. Spinning allows it to behave as a unified discrete single object and regulates its size. When one non-photon sub-atomic object collides with another non-photon sub-atomic object, the results of that collision depend upon the speed of that collision.
Even though the two objects cannot merge, the center seeking effect still determines a new “center” for the two objects. If the outgoing energy exceeds the combined center seeking energy, the two objects will bounce off of one another. If the energy from the impact does not exceed the energy of the center seeking force, the two objects will not bounce off one another. Instead, they will stop and remain in contact with one another, their two surfaces touching one another. Even though they are in contact, they cannot merge into one larger discrete object. Doing so would result in them immediately shaking apart back into two objects.
Imagine that the two colliding objects were both neutrons. Each neutron contains the exact same amount of energy. The photons that surround them are saturated with this energy, and so the neutrons contain it too. However, in order to regulate their quantity of mass and ensuing size, they must also spin. Of course, this would result in them containing more energy than their surroundings, but this will be explained as we go along.
Consider this. A collision happens between two neutrons. That means that one of these neutrons is not only vibrating and spinning, but is also moving in a straight-line direction. Where is it getting the energy to do this? It cannot have reduced its vibrating energy any further because the surrounding environment keeps pounding that vibrating energy and pattern into it. It must therefore take that energy of linear travel from the extra supply of energy that was used to cause it to spin. As a result, when these two objects come into contact (assuming the situation resulted in them staying in contact), they find themselves touching one another and spinning at different speeds.
At the moment these two objects come into contact, they trade all of their inertia. The second object which was moving in a straight line and spinning slower now stands still and spins faster. The first object which was standing still and spinning faster now spins slower and tries to move in a linear direction. It cannot move away from the second object because the center seeking effect draws it to the center of the two objects (the point of contact). It cannot merge with the other object either. It is left with no choice.
All the forces at work cause the formerly stationary object to change the direction of its newly acquired linear motion in such a way that it maintains a linear motion while simultaneously trying to move to the center of the other object. In other words, it moves in a circular orbital path around the second object. It has to. The rates of their spinning speeds are different. Two identically sized objects that are in contact and spinning at different speeds will result in the object with the slower spin revolving around the object with the faster spin. This allows both objects to exist in harmony with an individual and combined energy level that matches each other even though they are spinning at different speeds.
Because one neutron is spinning slower than the other, it might seem that the slower one should then gain mass and become larger. However, its orbital speed combines with its spinning speed to cause it to remain at the exact same size as the other neutron.
How is the situation affected if the two objects are of different sizes? The spinning speeds will then be very different. The smaller object will spin faster than the larger object. And, since one object is spinning faster, the faster object must be smaller than the other object. It works both ways.
This behavior essentially is describing the building of and functioning of an atom. In Chapter 9 “The Proton, Heat and the Atom”, the correct basic concept of a model of the atom is shown. The electron and proton have different sizes and spinning speeds. If one moves and comes into contact with the other, the ether forces them to try and merge. Their spinning motion prevents merging. The linear motion that caused them to come into contact with one another manifests as them orbiting around one other.
If the proton-electron pair moves and comes into contact with a neutron, the ether again tries to force all of them to merge. Their spinning motion prevents this. The proton-electron pair and the neutron then orbit around one another.
Remember to think of all outbound forces within an object as “pushing” outward against the inside surface of the object’s “skin”. These forces could result in the object changing its shape from a sphere into some other shape. It could become oval in shape. All the fluid within this object moves around inside its surface. This could result in a change in the objects normal spherical shape. The MATTER goes where the ENERGY causes it to go. The shapes of the atomic components are not “carved in stone”. They are fluid in nature and if the forces affecting them change, their shapes can change to match those forces.
It is important to remember that the in-going and outgoing center seeking pathways are not part of the basic structure of MATTER. It is vibrating ENERGY patterns that create these channels. Those channels are created because of the liquid nature of MATTER. Incoming vibrating ENERGY acts like pressure waves. One also must remember that what goes in must come out. If you couple that concept with the fact that ENERGY moves instantaneously, it means that when ENERGY enters MATTER, there must instantaneously manifest within MATTER both pathways in and pathways out.
When vibrating MATTER is combined with SPACE, the result is a three-dimensional sphere of liquid. The combination of these two components of SPACE and MATTER leads to the creation of MATTER’s ability to possess its “center seeking” nature. The pressure waves that are established by vibrating ENERGY result in conical shaped pathways of motion that are wide near the surface and narrow near the center of the spherical liquid object. The surface of the liquid sphere then ripples with peaks and valleys of MATTER. The peaks represent pathways out. The valleys represent pathways in. It matters not from which direction the incoming energy arrives. Once ENERGY transfers into a different object, it must follow the pathways to the center of that object, and then it travels out via the pathway that offers it the least resistance. That is the outbound pathway that point in the direction that the ENERGY wants to travel in.
The center seeking effect causes the direction of ENERGY to shift over in space by up to half the diameter of the object that the energy passes through. The shifting over of the path of energy by only one radius of distance of a sub-atomic particle does not sound like much of a change in direction. However, combine that effect with the countless number of all such particles that are connected together to form atoms. Combine that with the quantity of atoms that are connected so as to create the world that we live in. When all of those half-radius shifts are added together, the change in direction adds up to be a whole lot of change.
Here it was shown how the unified liquid nature of MATTER is able to change the direction of ENERGY. It was shown exactly what gravity is, how and why it is formed and moves, and how it does what it does. It was shown how the natures of TIME, SPACE, MATTER and ENERGY combine to cause the results to happen as they do. Every explanation that was provided conforms to and obeys the known and proven laws of motion. In fact, the explanations herein even help to clarify why those laws of motion exist as they do. Does Einstein’s explanation that “Gravity bends space” still make more sense?
If there are still doubts, then there is one more thing to take into consideration. That is, the unusual motion that is caused by gravity. Gravity causes two strange motion effects that science has had a hard time in trying to explain. The first is its constant nature. It causes everything to move at the exact same rate, no matter the amount of mass an object may possess. The second is its ability to cause the accelerating motion of objects.
When we try and move an object by applying the energy of motion to it, the greater the object’s mass is, the harder it is to move that mass. However, this type of behavior does not apply to motion that is caused by gravity. Gravity causes all objects to move at the same rate no matter the quantity of mass. This was demonstrated by astronauts who went to the Moon and simultaneously dropped a feather and a hammer. Both objects fell at the same rate and struck the surface at the same time. Why?
When a photon strikes an atomic component (a neutron, proton or electron), it transfers its energy of motion into that object. That object responds with a change in rotation speed, orbital speed or linear speed. The change in the object’s speed is directly affected by the total quantity of mass of that object. The bigger it is, the slower its resultant motion. F = ma.
Gravity motion does NOT occur because of a change in an object’s energy of motion. The object moves by propagation. It is the rate at which photons strike objects on one side that causes them to shift their position in space towards the incoming photons, one photon at a time. Since the energy of motion is not the cause for the movement of the object, then F = ma does not apply. It doesn’t matter how much mass is in the pathway of the incoming photon stream. Everything will propagate at the same rate, according to the rate of the stream of incoming photons that we call “gravity”. It doesn’t matter if the object is a feather or a hammer. Their atoms will propagate through space at the same rate as any other object’s atoms.
At least two spinning objects must combine their inertia of motion in order to create the spray of photons known as gravity. A third object in the path of that spray moves solely because of propagation. This is why the gravitational constant is 6.67. Only two thirds of the total motion is actually caused by the energy of motion and can be accounted for by F=ma (the spray). The final third quantity of motion occurs without using inertia and is caused solely by propagation. That is, the third object moves towards the spray only because its mass is trading places with the mass of the incoming photons, one photon at a time. This “trading places” phenomenon results in the object gradually shifting its position in space by one photon’s width at a time.
How can this type of motion result in the acceleration of gravity? Imagine an object that is sitting still. Assume that it is being struck on one side by a steady and constant stream of photons. At first, this causes the object to propagate towards the incoming stream of photons at that same constant and steady rate. However, doing so means that the object is no longer sitting still. It is now moving towards the photons at the same time as the photons are moving towards it.
Because the object and the photons are now moving towards one another, the rate at which the photons strike the object will increase. This causes to object to propagate in that direction at an even higher rate, which increases the object’s speed even more. The faster an object moves towards a steady stream of incoming photons, the greater the quantity of photons that will collide with it per second, resulting in the ever faster and faster speed of the object. This effect results in the phenomenon we refer to as “the acceleration of gravity”.
COPYRIGHT © 2019, By Jonathan P. Volkel
Is our universe just an illusion? Is it possible that nothing really exists until the moment that we look at it? Such concepts sound so incredibly absurd, that the moment you hear them, you instantly know that the answer is “No, of course not.” How could it be possible that anyone would even think such a thing?
Quantum Entanglement is a theory that leads to the conclusion that reality may actually be just an illusion, and all of modern science accepts that it may very well be true. The concepts and ideas expressed in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity have a direct connection to the concepts which convince scientists that quantum entanglement must also be true. Rather than going into the details of quantum entanglement here, there is a better way to learn about it. There was a NOVA program broadcast on PBS entitled “Einstein’s Quantum Riddle”. That one hour show explains quantum entanglement and provides the viewer with a general knowledge of what it’s all about. That show reveals science’s unwavering commitment to embracing and validating this theory.
Technically, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity deals more with the large scale universe, whereas quantum mechanics deals with the microscopic atomic and sub-atomic workings of the universe. Interestingly enough, even Einstein had problems with accepting some of the concepts proposed by quantum mechanics. However, apparently Einstein and all scientists don’t fully realize that the two theories and their concepts are directly connected.
At 48 minutes into the show, one scientist explains it as follows:
“Einstein’s theories of Special and General Relativity perfectly describes space, time and gravity at the largest scales of the universe, while quantum mechanics perfectly describes the tiniest scales. Yet, those two theories have not been brought together…”
Scientists seem to think that the theories are not directly connected and they hope that the discovery of a Unified Field theory will unite the two.
They can’t see the connection point that links the theories together. The connection lies in the fact that scientists think that Einstein’s theory “perfectly describes” our universe. They couldn’t be further from the truth. It is wrong on so many levels, that it is actually the opposite of the way the universe really works. The theories on quantum mechanics are built upon Einstein’s perceptions of what energy, waves, space, time and gravity are, and he was wrong about each and every one of them. As a result, quantum mechanics incorporates within it the terrible foundation of Einstein’s perceptions, which scientists deem to be a perfect description of the universe.
The immense tower of theories that they have built upon that “perfect” foundation is presently reaching its peak. By the end of the show, the scientists explain the most radical, unbelievable and outrageous theory ever offered. They explain that quantum theory is ultimately leading them to the belief that our reality is just a 3D holographic projection onto the inside surface of a spherical universe. Of course, they aren’t sure that this is true, but they are working on the theory and are trying to devise experiments to try and “prove” it.
A theory which ultimately leads to the conclusion that reality is actually an illusion should serve as an awakening splash of cold water to any rational mind. It should cause the hearer of such a theory to think; “Wait. Hold on one second. This conclusion is absurd and is obviously revealing to us that something is very drastically wrong with the theory of quantum entanglement and everything related to it. We need to go back to the beginning and figure out where we went off course.” Instead, science continues to stack theory atop theory, believing that this teetering tower of absurdity will eventually reveal how the universe really works.
There is a very good reason as to why the current theories are leading them to the conclusion that reality may be an illusion. That is because scientists are unable to distinguish the difference between reality and illusion. They do not know the difference between an actual “object” and an intangible concept. When they look at the universe, they only see the “forest”, and not the “trees”. They only see that which is just patterns, concepts and optical illusions, and they mistake it for reality. The proof of this is evidenced in Einstein’s, and all of science’s misunderstandings of the nature of light waves, magnetism, space and time. But, what exactly is it that science is misunderstanding about those things?
We know that light is a combination of particles and waves. Einstein proved that this is a fact with his slit
experiments. But Einstein believed, and now all of science believes, that the observed waves and particles are mass-less. The reason they believe in that is because they do not believe or understand that the ether exists. The ether is the ocean of tiny particles of matter that waves propagate through. Without having an understanding that the ether exists, scientists needed to come up with some sort of an explanation as to how waves could sustain their existence and travel independently and apart from matter. They had to devise a theory on how waves could move without propagation through a medium.
The only way to explain how a wave could travel across outer space on its own required that a wave be an independent, self-sustaining and existing “thing”. That is, it had to be an “object”. However, the Analysis topics “Waves” and “Relativity” demonstrate how a wave is not an “object” at all. A wave is just a pattern that is created by many individual particles that move in unison. The individual particles themselves are “objects” (the “trees”). The wave shaped pattern of their synchronized motion is not an “object” (the “forest”).
When scientists decided to classify a wave as an “object”, they simultaneously and unwittingly classified patterns, concepts and optical illusions as being real objects. Once this definition was accepted by them, they then tried to apply the laws of motion to waves. Of course, doing so did not work because the illusion of motion perceived in a larger grouped thing is not the same as the actual motion of each individual thing that make up that group. The illusion is not real. The classification of a wave as an “object” inevitably led to the explanation that this new type of object must therefore be an object that has no mass. That is the only reason they could think of to explain why the laws of motion did not work for waves of light. New theoretical formulas and quantum math were invented and expanded to try and make mass-less motion seem like a reality.
Scientists repeated this same type of misunderstanding with their perceptions of magnetism. A bar magnet has two polarities, “north” and “south”. What these polarities actually are and how they work is explained in the Analysis topic “Magnetic Fields”. Essentially, the polarities are really just indicators of the direction of a moving ether current. “South” is the end where the current enters the magnet, and “north” is the end where the current exits.
Existing scientific theories led scientists to the conclusion that something called a “magnetic monopole” must exist. That is, the existence of a particle (an object) which emits a “north” magnetic field all by itself, and another different type of particle that emits a “south” magnetic field. They believe this because they do not know that the ether exists. Without the existence of the ether and knowledge of ether currents, “north” and “south” had to become “objects” so that they could come up with some sort of an explanation for where magnetism comes from and how magnetism works.
Of course, “north” and “south” aren’t “objects” at all. They are only relative directions. How can “north” exist all by itself without also having a “south” to compare it to? Without the other, then the one simply becomes “here”. And even so, “here” is still not an object and it is meaningless without a comparison to “there”. That is all that “north” and “south” really are. They are merely perceptions of a comparison in direction or location, such as “forward and backward”, or “high and low” or “left and right”, or “in and out”. There cannot be one without the other. They are not tangible physical things. They are illusions of things.
Even so, scientists had no choice but to declare “north” and “south” as being objects in order to make their theories on magnetism work. Those theories try to explain the workings of magnetism without the existence of the ether. By classifying “north” and “south” as “objects”, science again simultaneously and unwittingly classified illusions as being real. One of the concepts they used to try and force this transformation to seem plausible was to call magnetism a “field”. This enabled them to pretend that the existence of this imaginary object was possible because it emitted a new “field” type of phenomenon of nature that didn’t need to obey the laws of motion.
This same type of thing happened yet again with “space”. Electromagnetic theory defines waves as being self-propagating. That concept is about as un-scientific as one can get. How can something propagate through itself? It must move in front of itself in order to then propagate through itself. But how can it move in front of itself if there is nothing already in front to enable it to move by propagation into that position? Of course, it can’t. The term is scientific gibberish designed to make a bad theory appear to be plausible.
To solve this problem, the void that is space itself had to become a thing which waves could then “self-propagate” through. Doing so results in the classifying of space as an object. The transformation of “space” from an intangible void into an object then enabled the belief that space itself could move and even change its shape or substance. This is why scientists believe that Black Holes can tear the “fabric” of space. This is why scientists also believe that space can expand or contract. In fact, it inevitably leads to the conclusion that space can even be caused to cease to exist. Even Einstein’s theory that gravity bends space only has any meaning if space itself were an “object”. It is only by being an object that space becomes empowered to change its form (bend), thereby giving it the ability to affect other objects. And so, Einstein proposed that gravity bends space, which in turn alters the direction and velocity of objects. And all of this is only possible if space is also accepted as being an “object”.
Once anything is described as having the ability to move, that thing absolutely must fall under the jurisdiction of the laws of motion. One should be able to apply the second law of motion to it: F = ma. In that formula, the variable “m” represents the “object” whose motion is being calculated. What is the mass of a section of space? If it is “zero”, then the equation does not work. That is because the formula could also be expressed as: a = F/m. If “m” equals zero, then division by zero always results in the answer being “undefined”. That is, it is an impossible scenario.
It may not even be reasonable to say that “zero” is an appropriate value that one can use to represent the mass of space. The concept of “mass” or substance does not even apply to the nature of space. As such, no value of any kind can be applied to it in that way, because mass isn’t even within its nature at all. The concept is just as invalid as asking “How much does one second weigh?” The idea that space is an “object” which is able to move violates the laws of science and nature.
Of course, space is not an “object” at all. It has no substance. It is its own unique and unified thing. Its properties and substance is totally different than those of time, matter and energy. Nothing about the makeup of any of those four components has anything in common with the other components. They may have similar characteristics, but their natures are totally different. They do work together in harmony to create the universe that we live in. This is all explained in the Analysis topic “TIME, SPACE, MATTER and ENERGY”.
In reality, it is impossible for space to have motion. Of the four components of existence (time, space, matter and energy), only energy possesses the nature of motion. It imparts motion onto matter by merging with and occupying the matter. It can occupy matter because matter has a tangible, physical substance (it is an “object”). In turn, matter can occupy space because space is an intangible three dimensional void. Thus, energy can only exist within space because energy occupies matter, which in turn occupies and moves through stationary space.
It is impossible for two different “objects” to exist in the same location at the same time. Since matter occupies space, then it should be obvious that space is not and cannot possibly be considered as also being an “object”. Likewise, energy only occupies objects. That is why objects (things made of matter) attain motion. Since space has no substance and is not an object, it should also be obvious that it is impossible for energy to inhabit and occupy space. And so, without energy being merged with it, it is impossible for space to move.
Without knowledge of the existence of the ether, science had to come up with many theories to explain the behavior of our universe. Those theories transformed space into a malleable and movable object. However, space is not moving and cannot move. Instead, it is the tiny particles of matter that make up the ether and fill space which are the objects that are moving. Those particles can move farther apart or closer together. If one cannot discern the existence of those particles, it creates the illusion that space itself is expanding or contracting.
Those particles are also the medium through which light propagates. If one is unable to discern those particles, it creates the illusion that waves are self-propagating. By thinking that an illusion of motion created by many individual objects moving in a certain pattern is actually a single larger object in motion, one’s perception of the entire universe goes far astray from reality. One ends up thinking that space is a flexible, variable, movable and optional “object”.
Another major misunderstanding occurred concerning the nature of “time”. It does not require a scientific education to also realize that “time” is not an object. Apparently, lacking a scientific education is an advantage because, when it comes to understanding “time”, a scientific education leads people into having an incorrect understanding of it. This creates a major defect in a scientist’s ability to understand the true nature of reality.
The correct understanding of “time” is actually rather simple and obvious. Time is merely the perception of a duration that passes. Some might define “time” as “The measure of a sequence of events.” And so, we measure time by observing objects in motion. Whether we count the number of times that many smaller objects repeat a pattern of motion (light waves), or count the grains of sand that fall through a narrow opening, or count the number of times the Sun rises and sets, we determine the passage of time by observing and measuring the motion of objects (things made of matter).
Some may feel that “time flies” while other may perceive it as “taking forever”. Clearly our human perception of the passage of time can be quite distorted. Even so, despite what we feel about the passage of time, the Sun rises and sets at the same rate, no matter how long or short the duration felt to us. Time is fixed, constant, intangible, eternal and absolute. It is not an “object”, and the natures associated with space, matter and energy are completely different than that of time. It is a unique, homogeneous and unified thing. Its nature is discussed in the Analysis topic “TIME, SPACE, MATTER and ENERGY”.
Science has also managed to transform time into an object. Whether they did it accidentally or on purpose doesn’t matter. Whether or not they even realize that they made “time” into an object doesn’t matter. All that matters is that they did it. How?
Einstein’s theory of time dilation tells us that the faster an object travels the slower that time passes for that object. This means that as acceleration increases, the rate of the passage of time decreases. This type of behavior reveals that scientists believe that there is an inverse relationship between time and acceleration. And since they believe that Einstein’s description of the universe is “perfect”, this faulty perception of time infects everything they do. They attempt to make the existence of time dilation plausible by using the argument “What the observer sees” to validate it. However, in this case, what an observer in motion sees is an optical illusion. The fact is; time dilation does not exist. This was demonstrated in Chapter 2 “Time Dilation”, and again in the Analysis topic “Time Dilation 2”.
Recall again Newton’s second law of motion: F = ma. It is a scientific law that proves that there is an inverse relationship between mass and acceleration. By applying that same inverse relationship to time and acceleration via the time dilation theory, Einstein is essentially saying that time is mathematically equivalent to matter. As such, the behavior of time should be similar to the behavior of matter. This means that time can be considered in the same way that we consider objects made of matter. That is, just as things made of matter are “objects”, then so too, time must also be some type of an “object”.
If “time” can actually be caused to progress slower, then it is doing so because it is changing speed. This means that time itself also has motion, and so it too must fall under the jurisdiction of the laws of motion. Just as it was with “space”, there is no way to apply the second law of motion to “time”. That’s because the laws of motion make it clear that those laws only apply to “objects”. Science has attempted to apply the characteristics and behavior attributed only to “objects” to space and time, while simultaneously knowing that they don’t really have those characteristics. As a result, space and time became objects that do not need to obey the laws of motion. And so, they decided that this is possible because space is an object made up of an intangible “fabric”, and time is an object with only one dimension. Then they created new theoretical formulas to try and make these illusions seem real and workable.
Once “time” was transformed into an object, it could now be manipulated just as space could be manipulated. Thus, time could now be altered and caused to slow down. In fact, when taken to its extreme implications, time could even be completely stopped, causing it to cease to exist. These ideas are the fuel that empowers the Big Bang Theory. The essence of it is that a particle with immense energy exploded, resulting in the creation of time, space and matter.
Science equates energy with matter, believing that the two can transform back and forth into one another. This means that, essentially, energy and matter must both be made of the same thing. This enables science to consider energy as one would consider an “object”. Actually, energy cannot transform into matter, nor matter into energy. Energy only causes motion to occur within already existing matter. However, since science also transformed space and time into objects, this allowed them to think that energy became able to cause all of matter, space and time to come into existence. As a result, science feels that energy brought matter into existence by transforming itself into matter. They also believe that energy caused space to begin to move (expand), and it also caused time to begin to move forward, thereby causing them both to come into existence as well. Voila! The Big Bang Theory was born.
Is it any wonder, then, that Einstein used the transformation of time and space into objects to come up with the concept of “spacetime”? It is the belief in the merging of the “object” of one dimensional “time” with the three dimensional fabric-like “object” of “space” which results in the creation of a new type of four dimensional “object” which he named “spacetime”. And this was all possible because, just as a wave became a new type of object that had no mass; and just as space became a three dimensional object whose void like substance was referred to as “fabric”; and just as magnetism originated from an object that emanated a new type of mass-less phenomenon known as a “field”; time became a new type of object that only had just one dimension. And yet again, another concept…a perception…an illusion became an “object” that was considered to be real.
The belief in “spacetime” is the proof that science has converted everything into an “object”. Doing so meant that everything was essentially made of the same thing. As such, they could be blended, mixed, matched and interchanged at will. The reality is that time, space, matter and energy are all separate things. Each is unified, homogeneous and totally different in nature than the others. They cannot intermix to create a new type of thing.
The proof that classifying waves, magnetic polarities, space and time as “objects” is incorrect is further revealed by the conclusions arrived at by the theory of quantum entanglement. It is a huge scientific error to classify illusions as being “objects”. Only matter can be considered as being an object. Time, space and energy cannot. Once scientists had developed the theories that classified time, space and energy as being “objects”, they actually redefined reality by making intangible patterns, positional relationships, concepts and optical illusions seem like real physical things. When this is carried out to its extreme implications (quantum entanglement), those theories arrive at the inevitable conclusion that all of reality must actually be an illusion. Such a result is so obviously and profoundly absurd that anyone should be able to see that something is drastically wrong with the thinking that inspired such a conclusion. Einstein’s theory and everything derived from it and related to it is incredibly flawed.
Scientists are supposed to be very open-minded and are only concerned with finding the truth. Aren’t they? Shouldn’t they already be desperately seeking a better explanation for what is going on rather than believing in this “magical” entanglement theory? In fact, they seem to already be very suspicious and doubtful about the conclusions that quantum entanglement is leading them to. Here are some quotes from scientists in the “Einstein’s Quantum Riddle” show:
“It couldn’t possibly be real.”
“We’re left with conclusions that make no sense whatsoever.”
It is “Spooky action at a distance.”
“Science is stepping outside all of our boundaries of common sense. It’s almost like being in Alice in Wonderland.”
Surely, science realizes that something is drastically wrong and is eager for any other plausible explanation that will free them from this madness.
Tragically and regrettably, that is not the case at all. Their blinders are on and their minds are closed. Here is another quote from that show which illustrates the cult-like brainwashing that makes them unable to see the truth. At 46 minutes into the show, one scientist reveals their true mindset. Since he uses the word “we”, it is clear he believes that his comment reflects the belief of all of science.
“There’s hardly any room left for an alternative Einstein-like explanation. We haven’t ruled it out, but we’ve shoved it into such a tiny corner of the cosmos as to make it even more implausible for anything other than entanglement to explain our results.”
The reference to “Einstein-like explanations” in the above quote refers to any explanations that follow common sense laws of science. Even Einstein attempted to observe those laws. However, attempting to apply the known laws to his bad theories didn’t work. He then tried to invent new laws which would force his theories to appear to work. His perceptions and theories were wrong. His attempts have never been proven to be laws and never will. And after nearly a century of analysis and examination, they remain to this day, classified as theories. Even so, scientists still blindly accept his explanations as “perfectly” describing the universe.
The comment “We haven’t ruled it out…” is merely an empty pretense at being open-minded to hearing a different explanation. The comments “There’s hardly any room left…” and “…we’ve shoved it into such a tiny corner of the cosmos…” is the confession that, when all is said and done, they simply will not listen to any other explanation, no matter how law abiding it is or how much sense it may make.
A strange thing about this situation is revealed by one of the visual analogies that the show repeatedly used to help explain quantum entanglement. They frequently showed images of a magician doing card tricks and coin tricks to aid in illustrating how quantum entanglement works. No matter how perfectly the trick was performed, we all still know that these are just sleight-of-hand illusions. Even so, it still looks like real “magic”. What would you think of someone who insisted that the tricks were not an illusion but must actually be real “magic”?
Scientists are looking at quantum entanglement and believe that it is real “magic”. They refuse to accept that there is another more reasonable explanation. The reason they believe that the magic is real is because of scientific experiments that seem to prove that it is true. However, as has frequently been the case, they yet again misinterpret the data. They do this because of faulty initial assumptions about what is actually going on. Their own theories create the mindset which causes them to see things in the wrong way. They are only able to see what they want to see. In fact, the experiments which “prove” that quantum entanglement is real are the equivalent of sleight-of-hand tricks. The experiments are designed to fool everyone. The application of their own theory to the experimental results is as illogical and self-contradictory as the theories and applications of time dilation experiments (See Chapter 2 “Time Dilation” and the Analysis topic “Time Dilation 2”).
It will not be difficult to see the contradictions for yourself. Why can’t they already see it? The mentality that they need you to submit to is that they are the trained scientists and you are not. As a result, they want you to believe that your perception of a contradiction in the quantum entanglement theory is caused by your ignorance. It is you who are blind and not they. Like the Emperor in the fairy tale, they proudly walk around in their “new clothes”; confident that only sophisticated and intelligent people can see the true beauty they clothe themselves with. It only takes a simple child to honestly speak out loud what he can plainly see. The Emperor has no clothes. Quantum Entanglement has no “clothes”.
In order to understand the truth of this, one must go back to the origins of this theory. In the early 1900’s, scientists were performing more and more experiments that looked deeper and deeper into the microscopic world. At 11 minutes and 40 seconds into the show, their results were explained as follows:
“Experiments showed that deep inside matter, tiny particles like atoms and their orbiting electrons were not solid little spheres. They seemed fuzzy and undefined.”
It is from these observations that the brilliant minds of that day decided that all things might only exist as fuzzy waves of probabilities, which only become real when they are seen or measured. An animation was provided to demonstrate this, and the following illustration will help to convey this idea.
An energy source emits these fuzzy waves of probability simultaneously in two directions. At 17 minutes and 30 seconds into the show, it is explained like this: “When we measure one, causing it to snap out of its fuzzy state, the other mysteriously snaps out of its fuzzy state at the same instant with correlating properties.”
Take a moment and consider this concept. How do we know that wave #1 snapped out of its fuzzy state? Well, we can suppose that if it hadn’t, then the detector wouldn’t have been able to measure it. Since the detector did measure it, then the wave must have transformed into a detectable particle. How do we know that it was actually fuzzy during its entire journey from the source to the detector and that it wasn’t actually a real particle the whole time during the entire journey? We don’t know. We can’t know. We would have to move the detector closer to the source, but doing so is pointless because the fuzzy wave will snap out of its fuzzy state the moment it contacts the detector, no matter where we place the detector. In other words, we can never see it in that fuzzy state. Any attempt to look at it causes it to instantly transform into a real particle. However, we know that it must have been fuzzy because the theory tells us that it was.
How do we know fuzzy wave #2 snapped out of its fuzzy state? We don’t. The only way to determine that would be to put in a second detector. If we did put in a second detector to determine if fuzzy wave #2 actually transformed, then how do we know that it wasn’t the second detector that caused it to snap out of its fuzzy state, and not because of some sort of magical quantum entanglement phenomenon transmitted by particle #1? We determine that by comparing the properties of the particles. If the two particles behave the same way, then that would mean that particle #1 magically and instantaneously transmitted its form and behavior to particle #2, causing them to be identical twins.
An experiment was eventually devised that did utilize a second detector for particle #2, and it was inspired by a scientist named John Bell. Any such type of similar experiment is referred to as a “Bell experiment”. It has been done many times with many variations throughout the years. Scientists claim that all results always seem to indicate that quantum entanglement is real.
Scientists perceive Bell experiments as being the definitive proof that quantum entanglement is real. However, the logic behind these experiments is so horribly flawed, that it all seems like some sort of poorly conceived practical joke. Think back to the very beginnings of this theory. Why do scientists even think that particles exist as fuzzy waves of probability in the first place? Because when they looked deeper and deeper into the atom, all the observations, measurements and detection revealed fuzzier and fuzzier data.
Well then, if this fuzzy stuff doesn’t become real until you look at it or detect it (as all of the quantum entanglement experiments assume and require), then why did it remain fuzzy when scientists attempted to look at and measure atoms in their original studies? If it were indeed true that the fuzzy waves of probability only became real particles when they were looked at, then it stands to reason that we could never know that it was fuzzy in the first place. If the theory was true, then all we would ever be able to detect, measure or see when looking into an atom is clear and distinct particles.
In order to know for a fact that it was fuzzy, you would have to look at it and see it in that state. However, the theory tells us that as soon as you do look at it, it isn’t fuzzy anymore. And yet, we know for a fact that it is fuzzy because we looked at it and saw it as fuzzy. And around and around we go. It is a self-contradicting paradox. And yet, somehow, we “know” that matter only exists as fuzzy waves until you detect it. Somehow, we managed to see the fuzziness even though it is impossible to see it. The entire theory is ridiculous, illogical and absurd. Well then, is there another, more logical way to explain the fuzzy data from those early observations? Of course there is!
Imagine you have a desktop electric fan. While it is unplugged take a good look at the fan blades. They are distinct and solid. You can make out their shape and form quite clearly and easily. Now, plug in the fan and turn it on. Take another look at the fan blades while they are spinning. They appear blurred and fuzzy. In fact, they are almost invisible. You can even see through them and can see whatever lies behind the fan. Why? Has their matter transformed into fuzzy waves of probability? Of course not! If they had, then the blades wouldn’t be able to move air. They are simply moving too fast for us to see.
In reality, electrons, protons and neutrons are all connected to one another and are all orbiting around the center of their combined mass. In addition to that, the ether causes the entire atom to vibrate back and forth, so that even the center of mass is in constant motion. And all of this combined motion is occurring at extremely high speeds. Given this situation, then the only logical result that one should ever expect is an inability to clearly see or measure atomic and sub-atomic particles. The scientific observations confirm that this is indeed the case. All that we have ever been able to see when we look deeper into the atomic world is fuzziness.
Didn’t scientists in Einstein’s day have fans, or propellers or any other such devices that they could observe and thereby verify that high speed motion always results in fuzzy detection? How could they possibly ignore the obvious conclusion that the fuzziness was due to high speed motion, and instead jump to delusional conclusions like quantum entanglement?
One of the reasons for this was caused by their ideas on energy, matter, waves, time and space. Those ideas were all completely backwards. They were all following Einstein’s “perfect” description of the universe, and were left with no choice but to come to these outrageous theoretical conclusions. Einstein’s “perfect” theory guided them straight into Wonderland.
Scientists also suffered from one other major misconception which prevented them from seeing the truth. They believed that the actual structure of an atom was that which is described by the Bohr model of the atom. It depicts the nucleus as being stationary and the electrons orbit around it. As such, although that model of the atom would explain why the electrons might seem fuzzy, one should still be able to clearly see the nucleus through them. However, the nucleus itself actually proved to be just as fuzzy as the electrons. Shouldn’t this have convinced them that this was because the nucleus was in motion, just as the electrons were also in motion? Why wasn’t this fact enough proof to cause them to understand that something was wrong with the Bohr model of the atom?
As it turns out, the reason why that possibility wasn’t considered is quite obvious and a bit tragic. One of the greatest proponents and creators of quantum mechanics ideas and theories also happened to be the creator of the existing atomic model; Niels Bohr himself. No wonder he couldn’t figure out the truth. It probably never even dawned on him that he might actually have made a mistake in his theory of atomic structure and configuration.
Rather than admit that he could possibly have been wrong and needed to go back to the drawing board, Bohr decided to venture off into Wonderland for an alternate explanation. He took the winding road towards quantum entanglement. Perhaps he thought; “My model of the atom couldn’t possibly be wrong. Perhaps it is reality itself that is wrong.” He and Einstein shared the same ego problem. Apparently neither one of them could admit that their acclaimed perceptions of the universe were incorrect. Bohr’s quantum ideas were built upon his ideas of atomic configuration. Since his quantum theories are so obviously and extremely deviated from actual reality, science should realize that the Bohr model of the atom is just as severely deviated from reality.
Scientists who relied upon the Bell experiment to test quantum entanglement were confronted with arguments against the test’s validity. The “fuzzy waves” which travel from the source to the detector move at light speeds. The inability to accurately measure the extremely short duration of travel time raised the question of whether or not the results were caused by particle #1 bouncing off of detector #1, flying all the way across, and then striking detector #2. Could this explain why the two detectors in the Bell experiments saw similar properties in both particles?
Variations in the Bell experiments involved moving the detectors far apart from one another. The increased distance was enough to create a delay in travel time that would rule out the possibility of back and forth travel by a single particle moving at light speeds between the detectors. Therefore, the two detected particles must be two separate things, and not just one thing being measured twice. But, what are the characteristics of these particles that convince scientists that the particles, although two separate things, are identical twins?
Scientists believe that the fuzzy waves represent probabilities of what it could be. As such, when it transforms from fuzziness into a particle, it could manifest itself with a random identity. Although not discussed on the show, the identity with which one particle is distinguished from another particle is its spin direction. Scientists believe that since the fuzzy wave represents a random probability, then the likelihood of two separate individual particles randomly manifesting with the same spin direction is low.
Bell experiments are performed repeatedly in order to determine a pattern in particle manifestation. If many successive tests result in the particles from both detectors manifesting with identical spin directions, then scientists conclude that the manifestations are not random. The scientists believe that the manifestation of one particle is influencing and even directing the manifestation of the other particle. Given the separation in distance, the influence is happening instantaneously without any detectable connection between the particles. How else can one explain the identical spin directions? Is there any other possible explanation for this besides the “magical” connection of quantum entanglement? Of course there is!
This same type of behavior was discussed in an earlier chapter. It describes an experiment performed almost two hundred years ago. Back then, they didn’t interpret the results as quantum entanglement. They called it something else. They called it “magnetism”.
Recall the earlier Analysis topic “Magnetism Theories”. An experiment performed by a scientist named Hans Oersted involved running an electric current through a straight wire. Compasses were placed around that wire and their needles were all simultaneously affected by the magnetic field radiating from the wire. It looked something like this:
Think of each compass as a detector capable of measuring spin direction. The conductive wire is the “source” for the wave generation. All compasses are affected so that they indicate an identical spin direction (in this case, counterclockwise). That is, they point in the direction of spin within the wire in relation to the location of each compass. The uniform spin occurs because the electrical current caused all the atoms in the wire to spin in the same direction. That spin causes the magnetic waves to spiral outward, causing all compasses to point in the direction of the spiraling motion. The magnetic wave travels at light speed, causing all compasses to appear to change simultaneously. It is obvious that all of the compasses must indicate the same rotational direction. That is because the force that is affecting all of them comes from the same source.
Here is another example. Imagine a radio station broadcasting its signal from its large broadcast antenna. Two radios are attuned to its frequency. Radio #1 is one mile to the west of the broadcast antenna, and radio #2 is one mile to the east.
When the antenna broadcasts (music, for example), both radios will receive the radio wave at the exact same time, and both radios will detect identical signals and behave as if they are identical twins. They will both play the same music at exactly the same time. Is this because quantum entanglement is causing radio #1 to magically teleport its manifestation of reality onto radio #2? Of course not! Does this situation even need an explanation? The radios behave identically because they are both receiving waves at the same time from the same source.
Now back to the Bell test.
The above illustration is of a Bell test using two detectors. Scientists seem to think that the source is emitting fuzzy waves. When wave #1 hits its detector, the wave snaps out of its fuzzy state, transforming into particle #1. It then instantaneously transmits its identity to fuzzy wave #2. Fuzzy wave #2 then snaps out of its fuzzy state and manifests as the identical twin to particle #1. That, at least, is the conclusion that scientists arrive at based upon the data from this experiment.
There is, of course, a much more believable explanation. The source in the center is energized to emit waves in two directions, a concept similar to that of the radio broadcast antenna in the earlier example. Because those two waves in the Bell experiment come from the same source, they have identical behavior. That is, since they are both created by the same spinning atom, they both carry the same rotational spin information. The two waves travel by propagation through photons (not as mass-less fuzzy waves of probability) towards the detectors. Since they both travel at the same speed, they both reach their detectors at the same time. Since they both came from the same atom, the detectors identify identical spin directions. In other words, they didn’t become twins upon detection. They started out as twins from the very beginning! That’s because the experiment was designed to create twins.
Think back to the Michelson-Morley experiments discussed in Chapter 3 “The Discovery”. The use of an interferometer required splitting one beam of light into two separate beams. The reason they did this was to ensure that the two beams would be synchronized. That is, they would be identical twins. Using two separate beams generated by two separate sources could never ensure this. Even they knew that creating two beams of light from a single source guaranteed identical properties in both beams of light.
The Bell experiments generate multiple waves simultaneously from a single source. Of course those waves are going to be identical! How could any scientist think that it could be otherwise? These experiments were designed to trick us into thinking that quantum entanglement was real. The sad part is that it is entirely possible that the scientists are actually tricking themselves. They are so closed minded and so indoctrinated into believing in Einstein’s theories and quantum mechanics theories; they are completely unable to break the spell that is upon them. They are subconsciously and unwittingly creating experiments whose results create the illusion that their theory is real. At least, one can only hope that this is occurring by accident. The alternative is that they are doing this on purpose. To what end? Only they would know.
Imagine a magic trick wherein a magician steps into a booth and then instantly steps out of a different booth on the other side of the room. He wants you to think that he magically transported from one to the other. Perhaps he transformed into a fuzzy wave and teleported his identity into the other booth? The truth is that he has an identical twin that nobody knows about, who has been hiding in the other booth from the very beginning of the trick. By concealing the existence of his identical twin, he hopes to convince everyone that the magic is real. That is the essence of the Bell experiments. Scientists tell everyone that fuzzy waves of probability are real and that this is what the source is emitting. They conceal the fact that the source is actually emitting waves that are identical twins from the very start which are propagating through real particles.
In the above examples, magnetism and radio waves were used as comparisons. The waves emitted by the Bell tests utilize neither of those frequencies. However, that does not matter at all. Photons will propagate motion of any frequency through the ether, including those created in the Bell experiments. Those motions will travel at light speeds as waves. If one knows what frequency to look for, those waves can always be detected.
Scientists seem to think that sometimes, they are hurling electrons through space. They even believe that they are sending single photons through space, and that these photons manifest as “fuzzy waves”. Clearly, they have no idea at all as to what is really happening or how energy actually moves from “here” to “there”.
A single atom is made up of neutrons, protons and electrons. The quantity of each of these components depends upon the atom. These components are all connected to one another and are all spinning and orbiting around their center of mass in unison. Not only is their combined mass much greater than that of a single photon, but so is their combined size much greater than the size of a single photon. Perhaps think of the size difference between an atom and one photon as similar to the size difference between a bowling ball and a grain of sand.
The photons exist everywhere and are very close to one another. They are moving at light speeds and are perpetually and randomly colliding with one another. A spinning and orbiting atom revolves in the midst of this maelstrom of tiny particles in motion. As the components of the atom orbit around its center of mass, it will be struck by an unimaginable quantity of high speed photons during just one orbital revolution. As a result, the orbital motion pattern of the atom will propagate away from the atom through the ocean of photons. That orbital motion will take on a wave-like shape as it moves away from the atom through the ether.
Because the mass of the photons is so very small, the pattern of the atom’s motion will propagate away at light speeds. This wave-like pattern of motion is carried and transmitted by an innumerable quantity of photons. If one could zoom in and look at a single cycle (peak to peak) of a wave of light in the ether, one would see countless photons moving in a patterned sequence. The following illustration will help convey the general idea. It depicts three “snapshots” of a wave as it is created by an atom’s orbital motion, which then moves horizontally away from that atom.
All of the dots in the illustration represent the photons in the ether. The brown sphere represents an atom orbiting within the ether. The different color photons represent different motions. The green photons represent the photons unaffected by the wave. They are just randomly vibrating back and forth and are colliding with one another at light speeds. The black photons indicate the photons that are part of the wave. All of the black photons are moving in the direction indicated by the red arrows.
The green photons are vibrating back and forth at light speeds. They bump into the orbiting atom. This causes the green photons to gain horizontal motion, and they are then represented as black photons. The black photons will then bump into green photons that lie in their new travel path. When they do, they will trade their horizontal motion with the motion of the green photons that they bump into. The black ones will become green (returning to random vibrating motion), and the green ones will become black (acquire horizontal motion).
This process is propagation. It involves a countless number of photons, all doing the same thing in a patterned sequence. That sequence is created by the orbiting atom. The tiny mass of the photons allows these transactions to happen at light speeds. The propagation keeps happening, photon by photon, black photons (horizontal motion) trading motion with green photons (random motion), progressing further and further to the left until the horizontal motion reaches another atom. The motion then transfers into that atom. The result is the transferring of energy (motion) from one atom to another.
Recall the Bell experiments. The energy source in those experiments is not emitting “fuzzy waves of probabilities”. It does not even emit particles that are spinning. Nothing at all emerges from the source, travels through space, and then strikes the detector. Actually, it is just the the revolving motion of the source atom that is transferring into photons of the ether “piece” by “piece”, one photon at a time in a linear sequence. Individual photons move in a straight line away from the atom and towards the detector. The propagation process results in countless photons moving as a group with a linear pattern and with speeds that, when seen as a whole, mirrors the spinning motion of the source.
No spinning particle of any kind travels from “here” to “there”. It is the spinning pattern of motion of an atom that travels, manifested as a wave in the ether. This causes the receiving atoms that already exist within the detectors to change their natural spinning motion, “piece” by “piece”, so as to finally match the spinning motion indicated by the wave shaped pattern of incoming photons. Scientists mistakenly interpret this pattern of motion change in the detector’s atoms to be the arrival of a particle sent from the source. It all happens so fast, that it seems instantaneous to us.
It works similar to the concepts used in fluid coupling. Imagine two propellers suspended in a tub of water. If one propeller is caused to spin, it causes the water to spin. In turn, the spinning water causes the second propeller to spin. Eventually, both propellers move at the same speed with the same pattern of motion. This process does not require any particles to detach from the first propeller and travel to the second propeller. Neither does it require any physical contact between the two propellers. The motion of the first is transferred to the second by propagation through the water.
The scientists who created the Bell experiments specifically designed it so that the waves were aimed at the two detectors. As such, the two waves simultaneously move towards both detectors. Perhaps think of the atoms within the source and within the detectors as the propellers. Just as one propeller transfers its motion to another propeller through the water, so too one atom transfers its motion to another atom through the ether. Since both wave patterns emitted by the source are created by the same spinning atom, the atoms within both detectors acquire identical spin directions.
The above illustration obeys ALL the laws of motion and explains all observed data. It demonstrates why atoms appear fuzzy to us. It is because of the high speed motion of the entire atom. It also demonstrates why a wave is not an object. It is just a linear pattern of motion created in many small objects (the photons) by a single larger object (the atom). And, if you envision two of those waves travelling in opposite directions, it also demonstrates why two separate detectors must measure identical spin directions. It is because both waves were created by the motion of one atom. It demonstrates all of this without the use of any unprovable “fuzzy waves of probability” theories, or magical and un-explainable teleportation phenomenon. All that is required to accept this as absolute truth and fact is to realize that the ether actually does exist.
The above illustration of atomic motion in the ether was an extremely simplified diagram. The actual shape and pattern of motion of an atom is much more complicated than was illustrated. In addition to that, the waves usually travel outward in every direction, just as ripples do when a pebble is dropped into water. This illustration focused on only one direction of wave travel. Also, the wave was illustrated in a configuration that we are accustomed to seeing. However, when a wave exists in the ether, it is actually the reverse of how we see waves at the atomic level. The reversal is not just a simple phase inversion. It is a transposition of frequency and amplitude. This changes the shape of a wave that exists in the ether. The specific details of that are not important here. What is important is that it can be seen that it is impossible to cause JUST one photon to move through space.
Scientists think that particles emitted by atoms are flying back and forth through space in order to carry energy from one atom to another atom. In reality, an electron does not need to travel through space so that it can personally deliver its excess energy to another atom. Instead, its excess energy transfers immediately into the surrounding photons. They carry this surplus motion by propagation to other atoms in the form of waves.
The concept that an atom is emitting a single photon is totally wrong. Such a thing is impossible. We only possess the capability to redirect energy by manipulating atoms. To think that an atom could cause only one photon to move would be like thinking that you could drop a bowling ball onto a beach and only hit one grain of sand. It is impossible. Science’s misconceptions about energy, waves and the atom leads to bad theories, poorly conceived experiments and faulty conclusions. In this particular case, those theories, experiments and conclusions cause scientists to think that our universe is only an illusion.
Scientists have great hopes for success in quantum computing. They have experienced some success and improved computer performance using quantum ideas. How can this be happening if quantum entanglement is untrue?
Standard computers solely use electricity to do their “thinking”. They use electrical behavior to regulate binary logic. “Off” equals zero electrical volts and binary zero. “On” equals five electrical volts and binary one. Our ability to control electrical voltage is imprecise. As such, “off” and “zero” can be one volt or even more. “On” and “one” can be four volts or even less. Once the voltage fluctuates into the middle ground, computer behavior gets unpredictable. We are pretty much restricted to only using binary logic with electrical computers.
Electricity involves the transference of motion from atom-to-atom-to-atom. The ether is not involved in it. As such, the greater mass of atoms slows things down. In fact, the speed of electricity (motion through atoms) is roughly one thousand times slower than the speed of light (motion through photons). As such, information transmission in electrical based computers is limited to atomic speeds.
Apparently, quantum computers are inserting the ether into their information pathways. They are experiencing greater speeds in their computers. They think their success is due to quantum entanglement. It is not. The greater speed is happening for a different reason.
By including the ether in their designs, they are transmitting information from atom-to-ETHER-to-atom. By eliminating some atoms from the information pathway and replacing them with an ether pathway, they increase information transmission speed by about one thousand times during those legs of the journey where the information passes solely through the ether. The difference in speed is similar to the differences between data transmission rates over copper telephone wires (electricity) versus fiber optic lines (light). The main difference here is that quantum computers don’t need to use fiber optic connections. They are only transmitting the information across very small distances. They “beam” the information straight through the ether without the need for some sort of atomic transmission pathway (hardware circuitry). They really should change the name from “quantum computing” to “photon computing” or “ether computing”.
The theory of quantum entanglement greatly helps to illustrate how far off the mark scientists actually are when it comes to both the large scale universe and the sub-atomic universe. Although they seem to know how to make the system work, they have a totally incorrect idea as to why it works. The more and more science employs Einstein’s theories and quantum theories to create new theories, the more and more obvious it becomes that those theories are wrong.
Apparently, scientists have the perception of a cat. Imagine shining a narrow beam of light on the floor or on a wall. A cat that sees it will chase that spot of light, thinking it is an elusive object. Even when he catches it, he doesn’t catch it, because it is not actually an object at all. It is just a pattern on the wall or floor that is brighter than the rest of the surrounding area. It is the illusion of an object. But, the cat can’t tell the difference and it never learns. Even though this shiny little “mouse” seems to be mass-less and moves in ways that defy the laws of motion, he doesn’t quit. He keeps chasing the moving illusion of an object.
Science keeps chasing illusions of objects that Einstein’s theory shines on the wall before their eyes. Even when they think they are getting close, the solution jumps beyond their grasp and vanishes like a fading ghost. Lacking the ability to distinguish between an object and an illusion, they conclude that perhaps all of reality must be ghosts and illusions. To them, reality is just some dancing holographic spots on the universe’s wall. Just like the cat, they never learn, and continue chasing the illusion.
There are two particular phenomenon of motion responsible for all the problems. These two effects create what appears to be motion without the use of any energy. The first type of motion that occurs without the apparent use of energy involves the motion of waves that travel within the ether (light). The second type of motion that occurs without the apparent use of energy involves motion by propagation (gravity).
It is not a coincidence that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is directed specifically at these two things. The existence of his theory is the proof that these two phenomenon actually do exist and that science is confused by them. Special Relativity attempts to explain the light phenomenon, while General Relativity attempts to explain the gravity phenomenon. He was unsuccessful with both attempts.
Both of these effects are actually just illusions of motion. That is why they do not use any energy at all. Scientists believe that there is actual motion occurring and try to explain and define it. The best way that they can think of to explain motion without energy is to rationalize it by either saying that the objects in motion are mass-less, or that the motion is caused by a “field”, thereby resulting in energy-free or law breaking motion. However, any type of actual motion without energy usage is impossible. Violating the laws of motion is impossible. Science’s existing explanations are completely incorrect.
What will follow is the explanation and demonstration of how and why these things are illusions. As such, the perception of extra motion is not real. Since the extra motion is not real, then of course there is no expenditure of energy associated with it. Therefore, not only do the laws of motion not apply, but there is no need to attempt to create another law, formula or theory to define it.
The first non-energy motion that will be examined is wave motion. When light waves travel through the ether, each individual wave travels in only one direction. Its pattern is that of a wave shape. When a wave travels in a straight path (for example; left to right), its wavy shape creates the simultaneous illusion of up and down motion. The following diagram will help to convey the general concept of an illusion of motion.
The above illustration shows three different scenarios of motion occurring in various sequences. There are 21 rows per image. Each row represents 20 pistons. Each piston is capable of moving up and down.
In all of the scenarios, row #1 displays all of the pistons in the down position. In scenario #1, row #2 shows the first piston in the up position. Row #3 shows the first position back down again and the second piston in the up position. Each piston will, in turn, move up and down. Each piston will not move until the one on its left has returned to the down position. This continues, each one moving up and down in turn until finally piston #20 moves, as shown in row #21.
In scenario #2, things are sped up a little. Instead of waiting for the adjacent piston to fully retract before moving, the next piston will begin to move when the previous one is fully extended. For example, in scenario #2, row #3, piston 1 is on its way back down, piston 2 is fully extended, and piston 3 is on its way up. This pattern continues, from left to right, until the last piston fires in row #21.
In scenario #3, each piston will again move fully up and fully down before any other piston can move. However, this time, they do it in random order.
Close your eyes and picture those 20 pistons in your mind. Envision scenario #1 with the pistons at first moving up and down, one at a time, from left to right. Next, speed it up a little and envision scenario #2. If successful, you will envision a ripple or wave moving from left to right. Now envision scenario #3. The pistons move up and down randomly. You might envision it as just random percolation. Like bubbles rising in a pot of boiling water, there is no particular pattern at all. The only thing you “see” is up and down motion.
Each scenario used exactly the same energy as the other two scenarios. In each case, each piston rose up and down once at the same speed as all of the other pistons, every time. The only difference between these scenarios is the sequence of piston movement and the timing between when they moved. That is, the only difference is the pattern of motion of the pistons. The only actual motion that occurred was the pistons moving in an up and down direction. The only thing that seemed to move from left to right was the pattern of up and down motion. As such, there is actually no motion occurring from left to right at all. It is the illusion of horizontal motion.
There is no formula that can be applied to describe the energy used to move the pistons from left to right. That is because no physical object moved horizontally. Only the sequence in which they moved progressed in that direction. At best, you could calculate the frequency of that sequence. That is, the calculation of how long it took for the complete pattern of motion to move from left to right.
The second non-energy motion that will be examined is the propagation motion that is caused by gravity. Perhaps the most essential ingredient that makes propagation motion possible is the unified nature of MATTER. MATTER is a physical, tangible unified substance and its nature is that of a homogeneous uniform liquid. All photons are made of this. All neutrons, protons and electrons are made out of photons. Therefore, everything is made out of the same single unified substance.
If one photon is added to an electron, and another photon is simultaneously removed from the electron, then the total mass of the electron remains the same. However, in one sense, the electron isn’t the same electron anymore, because it now has different photons in its composition. In another sense, since all photons are made of exactly the same thing, then the electron hasn’t changed its substance at all.
The only thing that distinguishes one photon from another has nothing to do with the MATTER that it is made of. The distinguishing factor is the ENERGY that occupies it. The direction and speed of different photons can be very different when compared to one another. And so, the addition of one photon to an electron and the simultaneous subtraction of one photon from an electron will result in the electron ending up with motion that is different than its state of motion was prior to the exchange. Thus, the only thing that differentiates one electron (or neutron or proton) from another is its state of motion.
The following diagram will illustrate simple propagation motion.
The above image illustrates the exchange that occurs when two photons collide. In the upper image, photon #1 is standing still, and photon #2 is moving on a collision course with it. In the middle image, they collide and trade motion. In the lower image, photon #1 now moves with the speed and direction that photon #2 had, and photon #2 is now standing still.
The final position of photon #2 is displaced one photon’s diameter to the right of where photon #1 originally was. The high speed of the motion, combined with the identical nature of the photons creates the illusion that photon #2 passed right through photon #1 and that photon #1 shifted over towards the direction of the incoming collision. The shifting over of photons in a photon-to-photon collision is what causes the dispersion of light in outer space.
When dealing with atomic components (neutrons, protons and electrons), things get a bit more complicated. The following image will illustrate.
The large gray sphere is an atomic component, such as an electron. The small gray spheres are photons.
In image #1, six photons are headed on a collision course with the electron.
In image #2, the six photons collide with the electron and stop on its surface. The collision propagates through the electron and causes six photons with identical mass to detach from the opposite side and travel away from the electron.
In image #3, the electron reforms into a sphere. This results in its position in space being shifted over to the right by a distance equivalent to the amount of space occupied by six photons.
At first glance, this entire transaction seems to result in the electron shifting over to the right without the use of any energy. That is, all of the incoming motion entered at the right and exited at the left, leaving no energy left over for further motion. Although that is true, there is a little more motion that still needs to happen and it must be “paid” for with the use of energy. In order for the electron to be reshaped into a sphere, matter must move, so as to fill in the bumps and indentations that were created by the incoming and departing photons. It cannot do so “for free”. In order for MATTER to move at all, ENERGY must make it move. Where is the energy for the motion that reshapes the electron into a sphere coming from?
Everything in this universe is submerged in the ether. All atomic particles are totally surrounded by photons and are continuously being bombarded by innumerable collisions with them. It is this situation that forces the electron to be reshaped into a sphere. The energy for this comes from the ether. It is the source of the vibration energy that exists within all atomic components at all times.
Here is an analogy that will help you to visualize this concept of the reshaping of atomic components into spheres. Imagine a large tub filled with water. In the bottom of that tub is an air hose. You could blow air into that water in any pattern you wish. Even if you wiggle the hose back and forth while blowing the air, you will still get the same result. The submerged air will be shaped into a spherical bubble. If you could reach in with a knife and cut the bubble in half, you would not end up with two half-moon shaped bubbles, like you would if you cut a piece of fruit in half. Each half bubble would instantly be reshaped into a sphere. If you reconnect the two bubbles, they will merge and again become one larger sphere. Why?
The air that was injected into the water is trying to push the water out of the way. The water cannot be compressed. It must either move up or reclaim the territory stolen by the air. The water will move in whichever direction offers the least resistance. As such, all of the water surrounding the air will move towards the air, squeezing the air from all sides and forcing it to move towards the center of itself, thereby creating the sphere. Once the pressure within the air bubble equals the pressure of the water, it becomes easier for the water to move upward. Only then does the water level in the tub rise.
The ether, as a whole, behaves like the water in the tub. It squeezes all the atomic particles submerged in it, causing them all to take on a spherical shape. There is a difference between the ether and water. The ether is composed of photons that are not in direct contact with one another. This causes the ether to behave in a “digital” fashion, whereas water behaves in an “analog” fashion. It is these endless series of individual collisions that cause our universe to exist as it does. One by one and in a rapid fire sequence, the photons bombard the atomic components and cause vibration to exist in all atomic components at all times everywhere. This is the source of the center seeking effect that plays a major role in the creation of gravity. It is also the source of gravity’s limitless supply of energy.
Understanding vibration is the key to understanding the illusion of propagation motion. Because everything is submerged within the ether, every atomic component vibrates. On average, everything possesses the same amount of vibration. Since this vibrating energy of motion exists in everything, it is essentially ignored in scientific measurements. The vibration energy is “nulled out” and considered as being “zero”. Since the vibration is too fast to measure, and since it is the same in everything, it can be excluded from calculations.
When things vibrate, it is usually in a random pattern. Think of the random pattern like “taking two steps forward and two steps back”. A total of four steps were taken, but in the end, you are right back where you started. Gravity motion alters the randomness of vibration. It applies a specific pattern of photon motion to one side of an atom. Think of it like “taking three steps forward and one step back”. Again, a total of four steps were taken, but this time you find yourself displaced two steps forward. The total energy expenditure is identical, but the pattern of motion has changed from being random to being more concentrated in one specific direction.
This is why gravity seems to cause objects to accelerate without using any energy. Gravity motion gets its energy from the same source that causes the exact same random vibration motion that exists in everything. The linear motion of objects affected by gravity occurs because the object vibrates a little less and moves in a specific direction a little more. Thus, the total energy used by a vibrating atom which is not affected by gravity, and the total energy used by a slightly less vibrating atom that is moving in a linear path because of gravity is exactly the same. And since vibration motion is being “nulled out” and treated as zero motion, then gravity motion is inadvertently also being “nulled out”. As a result, gravity appears to be energy free motion.
The illusion concept here is the same kind of concept that exists with light. When motion of a certain kind is seen, and then that same amount of motion is seen again, but with it possessing a different pattern of motion, science perceives that difference in pattern as extra motion. It is not. It is the illusion of extra motion. Any attempt to create a formula to define the extra motion is pointless. That’s because there is no extra motion. There’s just a change in the pattern of already existing motion.
Einstein could not see the ether. He could not see the patterns of motion that already existed in everything. He attempted to explain gravity by declaring that it could do what it does by bending space. He then had to transform space into an object so that it could be bent. Even that didn’t work unless he also transformed time into an object. As a result, his theory transforms the intangible natures of time and space into objects, and transforms changes in patterns and illusions into objects as well. His perceptions carry over onto all other ensuing theories and infect them all.
Quantum mechanics expands all of this into its maximum implications, and concludes that all of reality is an illusion. Science’s perception that time, space and energy are actually “objects” is a faulty perception. Space is not an object that can bend. Time is not an object that can slow down. Waves are not objects. “North” and “south” are not objects. There is no such thing as a mass-less particle of energy. There is no such thing as “fuzzy waves of probability”. Quantum entanglement (spooky action at a distance) is completely false. The entire concept should be the wake-up call that it is time to abandon the terrible theories responsible for it. It’s time to stop chasing the illusions.